My dog will not leave me alone when I’m having sex

@spst Lordy, I have the same problem with my dog. I started putting her in my car. I think she is resource guarding me, and I’m eager to see the suggestions you get! It’s a bit of a buzz kill, lol.
@spst Our puppy just sorta had to get used to it. We lock him out of the bedroom. He whined a lot at first, but eventually he realized whining gets him no attention. Now he just sits at the door sadly and waits for us to open it.
@spst Our puppy got so used to being put in her crate during sexytimes, when we'd start fooling around she would put herself in there lol. Not helpful, but hopefully a cute story :)
@spst My terrier acts weird when my husband and I have sex. She grabs a blanket or pillow and humps it until it rips. We have to put her in a different room and remove pillows and blankets. She does the same thing when we leave her home alone. I thinks she’s just anxious and doesn’t know what we’re doing.
@spst Omg reminds me of my bfs dog I was going down on my bf once and I look up and his dog was laying down between my bfs legs just inches away staring at me like he wanted a turn he’s now known a sour little pervert and we love him despite him being a ho

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