My dog will not leave me alone when I’m having sex

@spst I assume you got this pittie from a shelter?
That's where we got ours. She is truly an amazing dog! She seems to know instinctively what's hers and what's not. She never tears up anything but her own toys.
However, for the first year she had extreme attachment anxiety. I didn't understand this was common with pitties and shelter dogs. They make the most amazing dogs because they give such devotion! However, they can't stand to be alone or without you that first year.
Jupiter only tore up two things in our home: my make-up brushes and my CPAP mask. Both were in the first year. Both were when I decided to close the bathroom door and have a little privacy. It was just me and her, and she went nuts being separated. Her dog trainer said those two items had high concentrations of the oil/scent glands from my face, and she would seek this out in her desperation to be back with me.
I don't have an answer to the immediate problem. But, I promise that with all the love you'll give your pup over the next year; she will relax! Now, I go potty without her no problem! She knows I'll be back!
You also can't set a precedent (she gets attention when whining in her crate). She has to learn how to deal with this situation without disrupting your relationship.
Good luck!
@spst I had the same problem with my pitbull mix. What worked for me was making the separation a positive experience for him. I started giving him a kong toy when the wife and I would go to the bedroom (put kibble in a bowl with water and then stuff the kong with the the wet dog food. Top it with a little peanut butter and freeze it). At first he would eat the kong toy and then come to the door and cry. But after a couple times he would just take a nap after instead of crying.
@spst my dog just stares and does the head tilt thing so hardcore he looks like he’s gonna break his neck lmao. he knows he’s allowed on my bed so usually I just let him stay because if I kick him out he turns into giant cockblock. maybe give her a calming treat a little bit prior to sexy time if you feel like u might be gettin ur cheeks clapped.
@spst Pitties can be protective. My pit gets upset and barks when me the BF hug or kiss for more than a second. Thankfully he doesn't care about the bedroom, but they do get protective/jealous if someone else is on top of "their" human. I agree to do it slowly with long hugs, etc and get your puppy to calm down
@spst I recently came across some good crate advice that helped in a similar situation. She would not stop freaking out about the crate being in another room. We want her to get used to sleeping in other rooms if needed but she was not happy about it. The advice I got was not to let her cry long but to immediately take her out and bring her outside as though she was getting a potty break. Wait a minute or two and bring back in. Do this in silence. Put back in crate immediately and leave. If she starts to freak out bring her back out. Put her back in repeat all while being silent. This took us about 5 times before she realized hey this behavior is just getting me potty breaks and passed out. Hope this could work for you!
@spst I have been having this same problem! My 7 y/o Malinois never had problems up until last year. She'll jump up and pant and panic. She has literally escalated to peeing/pooping in the house. It is seriously killing the mood. We even try to take her potty before & it works sometimes...but it makes it hard to be spontaneous because it's always in the back of my mind.. Even if she has a bone/toy she will immediately get stressed out once she realizes. We've also tried locking her out of the room, but she will scratch at the door & then go pee/poop. I feel bad but also annoyed she gets so stressed out..
@spst So many comments so you might not see this but my dog did this. Our fix was to leave him in another room with the TV on. Turns out he just needed a noise distraction
@spst You have to practice without having sex. Several times a day put her in a place you have designated then go lay on the bed for half hour. No excitement and try to just be calm. Then get up and let her out and reward like crazy with no excitement. The idea is to teach her that this event is about her not being excited. Move up to talking, then kissing etc. Doing so for a week or so each step up. Each time with the focus of her not being excited. Lots of calm treats, no high voice and soft calm pets. Get her used to you too doing something without her involved. After a whole you can practice while doing the event and it will be much less intrusive. She just doesn't understand the seperation combined with an excited energy from you too. The longer you can hold off for training the faster it will go. The more failed attempts the longer it's going to take her to get what's expected. Good luck👍
@spst My dog HAS to come to bed with us when we go up. She’s a little lap dog and needs to be with us all the time. So this might be TMI or gross, but we wrapped her up in a blanket and had her at the bottom of the bed whilst we had sex for a while. We tried not to look at her lol. Now we have her on the floor wrapped up in the same blanket, when we’ve finished she gets into bed with us to sleep. We had to take it slow with her x
@spst My pit bull started doing this at about 4 months old and we realized after a few tests that it wasn't the act that alarmed her, it was my husband and I being close. She was possessive of us both and felt the need to be between us when we became physically intimate, even if it was just a hug. We rectified this by putting her in her crate and standing near each other, hugging, touching each other's arms, and kissing in front of her. Basically trying to desensitize her to us physically touching each other. After a few times she got less noisy, but from time to time she still tries to wiggle between us. Its a work in progress
@spst Our pit mix gets weird about sex too. She's bonded with my husband, and gets jealous whenever I get any form of affection. I joke that she's his sancha. Anywho, we put her outside, weather permitting. Or shut the door and just let her scratch and whine. She wants the attention, so we don't give her any at all, no matter how much she protests. She's not very food motivated, so treats never worked for us.
@spst I’m not a dog trainer, but I do own a dog, and she chews my dirty underwear. This seems irrelevant, but it could be that the smells of vagina etc are more enticing than that of the kong toy. Idk how big your house/apartment is but it might help (short term- the other training options in the comments are probably better) if you place the dog further away so that they can’t smell it and don’t know that you are having sex. Just something to consider. Good luck!
@spst Our GSD puppy was like this when he was younger, sometimes I would put him in the crate, or put him in place, but he wouldn’t stay in place at first, and I didn’t want to crate him every time we wanted to have sex. I let our pup lay on the bed a few times, (we have a large bed, so he can lay in one corner and is separate from us lol) once he realized we were ignoring him, he ignored us. Eventually he accepted it was just something fun we do without him. Our other dog just gets up and goes under the bed when my husbands pants come off, it’s fucking hilarious.
Try not giving too much attention to it, like ignore him aside from the necessary no’s . Then reward afterwards.

Practice makes perfect ! 🤣😜
@spst I agree with @runningfromlawlessness that you will have to train this step by step. Definitely try just a hug or quick kiss and if she gives no reaction, give her a treat. Outside of this, work on a 'go to place' command. She has down, stay great so couple this with the 'go to' command and work on remote sending her to a bed or crate and have her perform a down stay there. The end result will eventually be when you and your partner are about to head to bed, send pup to crate and have her do a long down stay with a chew.
@spst We give our pup a Qwizle with a Brutus and Barnaby stick in it. She’s decent with the “off” command to start but without a distraction she’s back in seconds. Those sticks are a pretty tight fit in the Qwizle, so it takes her hours to get it out and she is fully distracted for a while. She won’t spend hours on it straight, but at least half an hour usually.

Otherwise she gets to go in the backyard for a while.
@spst Does she seem to be bothered when you are hugging or in close contact with other people? I'm wondering if she is trying to protect you from your boyfriend. She may think he is trying to hurt you and is stepping in to help. If this is the case, you can work on the suggestions below to slowly train her to ignore when he kisses you or holds your hand all the way up to sex.

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