My dog lost one of her puppies


New member
My dog had a litter of 9 a week ago and my mother in law was watching the puppies and accidentally smooshed one, and we had to put it down. My mother dog won’t eat and keeps looking for the puppy. I don’t know what to do. I don’t want her to be malnourished because the other puppies are still nursing. And she keeps crying and looking for her. Any advice would be appreciated.
@floyd20 Did she see you leave with the pup? Did the vet keep the body? She should get better, mine searched for her pup that passed for a while but she still cared for the others
@floyd20 For a couple weeks, when she was done feeding her pups she would go off to a corner and do her nesting behavior, I assume because she was stressed that one was missing. By week 5-6 she didn’t care, and I made sure to have her outside with the new owners and watch all the puppies leave at 8 weeks and she’s back to her normal self.

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