My dog expresses her anal glands multiple times per week

@tomtomtom yes! I was going to comment since putting my catahoula on a strictly salmon/veggie food (no chicken etc) she hasn’t had this issue nearly as much. (the reason we switched was bc of skin issues not stinky butt)

she’s also on daily probiotic + glandex so it’s def worth a try. good luck 💗
@forumangel Same! If our pitbull/lab mix gets chicken her anal glands express multiple times a week randomly. Once we cut out chicken it’s usually better in a day or two. Also I’m suspicious eggs and dairy do it too, so I try to keep those out of her diet but I have a toddler that loves to feed her/feed the floor.
@tomtomtom Yea my bernedoodle does this when he’s being a lazy ass and won’t run around outside. 2 tbsps of pure pumpkin purée at each meal will help.

It might take like 3-4 days before it starts to kick in and add the fiber to help express them naturally.
@cjs17 This seems to be the most common solution. She usually turns her nose up at pumpkin but we will try again and hope for the best. Thank you!
@tomtomtom You could try to turn it into a game and hide it. We started doing that whole home made pupsicle thing at home for our big guy during the summer.

Just throw some of the favorite treats on the bottom pumpkin in the middle then another liked treat on top. Fill the bowl with water and freeze. It usually entertains our fella for about 40 minutes but a less food driven pupper it can keep them busy for hours.

We usually do kibble > peanut butter > bananas/blueberries

Edit bc I can’t spell
@tomtomtom Pumpkin doesn't need to be a puree. There is frozen pumpkin (like tubes/nuggets), or freeze dried (look at oc raw freeze dried pumpkin, or firm up! Pumpkin, who also has a variety with added cranberry)
@oneil I have a labra-pit and I only give him pumpkin when he gets constipated and it works great. Too much gives him diarrhea.
@tomtomtom I have a Lab pit mix with crazy allergies and a special kidney diet - in short, he eats dollar bills. He had the same issues but I didn’t want to stop the fish oil because it was SUCH an improvement in his coat overall. My vet recommended Glandex and said they have no idea why it works. On the advice of my vet tech friend, I started adding ground flax seed to my dog’s dinner - one tablespoon per day (he’s 65 pounds for reference) and that did the trick!