My dog expresses her anal glands multiple times per week


New member
To start, this has been going on for at least a year. Fortunately, her vet doesn’t think it is harmful to her health.

I have a pit bull/border collie mix. She is a 3 year old rescue. She has deep set anal glands, which is why (I assume) she doesn’t express them while pooping like most dogs. I try to express them for her every week but it is difficult to do because of their placement. I used to work as a dog bather and have expressed way too many anal glands than I might have preferred, but hers are the most difficult.

Anyways, the glands will express when she relaxes every now and then. Usually it’s on the couch or carpet. We keep all furniture covered with blankets for easier cleanup but I’m at my wits end. This happens at least once a week, but sometimes up to 3 times.

Has anyone else had this problem? Has anything helped? We have tried changing her diet, adding and removing fish oils, adding and removing fiber, expressing them weekly. The only thing that has helped lessen it is removing fish oils, which is unfortunate because she has skin allergies. Any advice would be extremely appreciated.

Thank you all!

I talked to her vet about the Glandex that a lot of people have been recommending. She’s all for it! I ordered some today so I will update in 3-4 weeks and let everyone know how it’s working. Thank you all for the advice!

Edit 2:
Well the Glandex works! She’s still leaks some but not as frequent. When she does it isn’t as stinky and it doesn’t linger like it used to. I ended up buying her the powdered Glandex because it’s hit or miss if she will eat chewable meds. She absolutely loves it! It smells like a powdered gravy mix and we have to feed her in portions because she will inhale her food otherwise. Thank you all again for the advice and suggestions. Y’all are life (and couch) savers!
@das_grosse_schwein It’s really the smell that you’ll notice! It’s horrible. If they start doing the butt scoot across the rug or licking their butt a lot it’s a sign that they might need to be expressed.
@bjordan I’ll keep a look out, thank you! I had a chihuahua for 10 years and the vet always checked her butt and said she was good. I got a new pup a couple of months ago so I’ll remember to watch her
@bjordan Before I knew what they were, I woke up one thanksgiving morning- and my min pin was frantically scooting and trying to smoosh her butt on the ground like she was trying to pop a balloon. I ran over and looked at her butt- and she had bigger than a golf ball sized ball coming off her butt. Raced to the emergency vets, only to sit for hourssss in a room. Before she even saw the doctor, that last slam onto her butt popped it in the exam room. It was DISGUSTING. 20 years later it’s 1 of the funniest memories of her.
@das_grosse_schwein You’ll not have a question in your mind if it happens.

I have a little dog that would randomly express them on the couch, bed, etc and you just get the whiff of it. You have to sniff everything until you find it. Thankfully she grew out of it!
@das_grosse_schwein oof you'd know. I didn't know anal glands existed for years and then my dog got an infection in hers and was expressing fishy blood smears all over my furniture. was an awful phase.