my dog (5) is obsessed with a microwaveable heat pack and i don’t know why


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it’s one of those things with little bean things in it you put in the microwave and it heats up right? and he is crazy about it and he will cry and cry and cry if i don’t give it to him when i’m using it for muscle pain😭 i have no idea why he does this, i’m beginning to think he has a weird thing for stuff that is specifically Mine (he comes in to my room for the sole purpose of taking my stuff and holding it in his mouth??? and crying????) why is my dog a weirdo send help!
@wannia Our poodle also loved beer. We had to warn people not to leave their cups/cans/bottles within his reach. He would drink out of the cups and knock the cans and bottles over to get at the beer.
@thulaniscool That has to be weird for a dog. On the other hand i saw plenty of vomit eating dogs on tekno festivals completely out of it like their bosses. Never took my dogs to one of those, too much fear of loosing them.
@savedbygrace11 My Boxer likes my dirty socks. I know it has my smell on it and it's pretty common for dogs to steal these but Jesus it stinks and he hoards them under his bed until I notice the smell.
@brody03 My Italian greyhound is obsessed with socks. Clean, dirty, from the laundry basket or the hanging thingy, socks socks socks. He even grabs them from the drawers with his long nose. He keeps them in his kennel, everywhere on the carpet, and he brings us some when he runs to crash land on us lol. I even find some inside the bed.
@jezyum Had a golden mix who’d only take one of a pair and leave them in random places, such as the middle of the living room. Never really hid them, funniest part is you’d also not really catch him with them.

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