my dog (5) is obsessed with a microwaveable heat pack and i don’t know why

@brody03 My friend’s dog would bring every visitor a shoe from the shelf where everyone put their shoes when they went in the house. No matter what you were there for, she would seek you out and ceremoniously present you with a shoe, and confidently wait for petting. Not your shoe, someone else’s shoe, and only one.
@brody03 O yes, socks. Only thing mine will guard if I would try to take it from him. Though luckily he will trade it foe high value treats... And we had to get a basket high on a shelf to put all worn socks in, or we would continuously lose them.
@savedbygrace11 I used to have a dog that was obsessed with lavender. He would just rub up against lavender plants when we went on walks and when I bought some lavender scented shampoo he would sit next to me and bury his head in my hair. Some dogs are weird lol
@savedbygrace11 My pup loves lavender! It's one of her favorite scents I put in her scent boxes.

She also likes to lay on my heat pad, but I'm always worried it will be too hot for her. I let her lay on it when I turn it off. It cools down in about 5 minutes, but she loves it so much she comes running whenever I click the heat off!
@savedbygrace11 I had one that was bananas for bananas, 25 pounds of mutt who’d try to jump tackle you for it. But right now I have a dairy dope, can’t leave anything dairy unattended, milk, cheese, ice cream… he’s in to it as soon as you turn your head.