My 3 months old puppy doesn’t want to play with me


New member
Last week, I adopted a Yorkshire Terrier puppy that will turn 3 months old in 2 days. I have never had a pet in my life so this is all an uncharted territory for me.

I realized that my puppy does not want to play with me. Every time I try to interact with him and try to play with him, he disregards me and his toys. He only interacts with me to sit in my lap and get cuddles.

No matter which toy I have in hand, he couldn’t care less. He only wants to sit in my lap and does not want to play.

How can I teach my puppy to play with me?
@raymondpembrose On the other end, he's a baby. He has no idea what you want him to do with that thing, and doesn't understand why you're shaking it in his face or throwing it while making noises at him. Some dogs (just like some kids) are not toy driven. He may be better fulfilled with you just cuddling and doing training.

He also is a baby, who was just uprooted from his previous life, by a very large strange human being. Give him some time to adjust.
@raymondpembrose I had a dog who never learned to play with toys. She would fetch about three times and she was done. None of the toys I tried were of interest to her. She did enjoy rough housing with me personally though and she enjoyed playing with other dogs. Your boy is just newly home with you. He needs time to accept that this is his new home and over time his personality will show more and more. He might not ever enjoy toys, but once he settles in he could surprise you. Give him lots of cuddles and let him know he is safe with you. Build a strong trusting bond, and give him some time.
@raymondpembrose maybe he doesnt like those toys? or maybe he is sick. I also have a 3 months old puppy and she had parasites (she's okay now), the vet said that it was normal if we saw her tired, or if she didn't want to play or eat. Is your puppy eating right? (not too much or too little) Our vet realized my puppy could have parasites because her belly was big, how does your puppy's belly look like?
Or maybe he just misses his family, maybe he's just sad because he's in a new place, how long have you had him?
If you it's necessary take him to the vet.

sorry if I scared you with the parasites :(
@raymondpembrose Every dog is different. We have 2. Our Bichon is a fetch monster. If we play with him 18 hours a day, he would do it. He also has a plushie he likes to cuddle with after dinner. Our poodle cross on the other hand has no interest apart from sleepying and eating, we keep him active by walking him but he has no interest in playing with anything, even with us chasing him around 🙄

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