Have a 3 months old puppy, I haven't slept in my own bed in 30 days

@christiangal34 hi! i had a similar experience with my toy poodle pup. Shes now 5months and i have spent many nights sleeping on the floor in front of her pen. Might sound weird but what worked for me is slowly moving myself further and further each night. not in huge increments but probably a couple inches each night. She sleeps in the livingroom and one night i was able to sleep in the hallway out of sight! eventually i inched my way to the bedroom and now shell sleep a full night without screaming to the heavens.
Ill also add that i started "tucking her in" at night, i dont close the crate or anything but i roll her over and give her belly rubs and head scratch and put a chew in her mouth. idk if its the actions itself but it atleast tells her "ok its bed time"
@christiangal34 is there a reason the crate can’t be in your room? when i first brought home my puppy, i put his crate on my nightstand right next to my bed (he’s a small dog) and also stuck my fingers through the bars for the first few mins so he could see, hear, and smell me. he whined for no more than like 20 seconds and then slept through the night
@christiangal34 if it’s too big to fit in your room are you able to get a smaller crate, maybe secondhand? i’m not sure how big your puppy is / how much space you have in your room

what my family did when our current dog was a puppy is we would just wait right outside the door of her crate while she fell asleep, then once she fell asleep we would sneak off to our own beds. could you try that? or does she wake up really easily the second you’re not there?

another thing is you can get her one of those huggie pups that has a heating pad and fake heartbeat in it. those can rly help w puppies who are just not used to sleeping alone. you can also put a shirt w your scent on it when you try sleeping in a diff room so your puppy can smell you

also if the crate can’t fit in the room, could it be right outside the door w the door open so she can see you at least?
@christiangal34 Our puppy when we first got him, he slept with us in the room on a pad but he chose to get in the laundry basket for whatever reason he loved going in there. He is now huge, Labrador Retriever and he sleeps wherever he wants, on the floor, the bed, the couch, up to him. He was never in a crate. When he sleeps on the bed he has his spot and thank God for our king bed. ♥️♥️ our furry baby and he has been with us since he was 8 weeks old. He will turn 2 this year.

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