Multiple apparent styes found on dog. 3 total, 2 on right eye. 1 on left eye. All upper eyelid. What can trigger this?


New member
Species: dog
Age: 5
Sex/Neuter status: neutered male
Breed: American Shepherd
Body weight: 45 lb
History: allergies, food sensitivities
Clinical signs: 3 styes: 2 on right eye, 1 on left
Duration: today
Your general location: Milwaukee
Links to any test results, X-rays, vet reports etc. that you have: none

Also noting that we found a bump on the top of his snout, and knew about this before finding out about his eyes, but assumed it was maybe a bug bite that would go away in a few days. Because they all came relatively the same time, we are somewhat concerned and do already intend to see the vet tomorrow.