Moving cross-country - how to move dog?


New member
We have a 35 lb mixed breed dog who is 8 years old. We will be moving cross-country (too far to easily drive) and I’m trying to figure out how to transport the dog. I’ve moved twice before with him but that was before they changed the rules about emotional support animals on flights, and he was able to fly in the canin with me as I had the emotional support animal documentation. Now, it seems like there’s no good option since he’s not a service dog and he’s too big to be in a carrier under the seat. Any advice? We are clearly not the only people doing this!!
@juanstrae If there are no other options, then you will have to drive, and many people drive with their pets in the car. I know a couple who drive from NYC to Fort Lauderdale Florida 2-3 times a year, for they are professional interior photographers, and their dog is a SD. So, it can be done.
@juanstrae i've transported my dog in cargo 3 times now (internationally) and had no issues! it's scary, but it's gone smooth, one trip was 18+ hours with no issues other than my dog being stressed out upon arrival. might be an option to look into as well.