MIL Keeps Dog Caged All Day

@silencespeaks21 This is a deeply upsetting post, honestly.

I read it while my dog was sleeping on top of me using my chest as a dog bed. Keeping a dog crated 20 hours a day is abusive. If I had a partner who thought this was okay, I would definitely be questioning his morality.
@thedeconverter Same. Mine is only 13 pounds but a ball of energy and farts who spends 20 hours of her day sitting on top of me. I can’t imagine a giant dog in a cage IN YOUR LIVING ROOM just sitting there looking with you with those big eyes omg. Heartbreaking!
@silencespeaks21 As a GSD owner, this makes me so sad. I wouldn’t even go to her house and if she asked why I wouldn’t hesitate to give her the exact reason.

No dog should be crated for 20 hours a day unless it’s an emergency. If the dog likes the crate so much, just leave the door open and see if it would willing spend 20 hours a day in it. My dog loves her crate and would go in it willing to chill out or sleep but that’s it.
@silencespeaks21 I hate the idea of keeping dogs in cages. Maybe MIL should spend a day in a cage and see how she likes it. I wonder why people get dogs to just keep them in cages. 😡
Dogs should be a part of the family, getting love and hugs and pets and kisses all day.
Not caged up.
@baldwinbeckett It's one thing when your make the crate their den, in which case you don't even need a door. Just a covered space with some soft bedding and a rule you don't bug them there. Both my dog's like their crates. But cages like this are messed up. That should be his place to take a nap or escape kisses, not where he lives.
@baldwinbeckett It just bums me out that what should be part of the dog-keeping toolkit like leashes and positive reinforcement gets abused so heavily.

I think it's in Europe they don't have crates at all, which is fine. But dogs like dens.
@randy321 Our dogs don’t get kenneled ever. And they have a dog door so they can go out anytime they want. They’re like our babies. Spoiled rotten. (We’re in Texas) so in hot or cold weather they can decide where they want to be.
@techie4christ probably not healthy if she keeps K locked up 20 hours a day and assuming they got her as a pup that’s 4 years of just 20 hours a day in a crate that’s 7,300 hours that dog has spent locked up on a crate the amount of hours in 4 years with 24 hours 8,760 that dog in its life span has spent 1,460 hours outside gsd cannot handle that amount of mental and physical problems this is putting on her