Male dog marks EVERYWHERE


New member
TLDR: male dog (2y) marks female dog’s (10y) room constantly despite our efforts to discourage it and it’s getting out of hand.

Hi! I have a ~10 year old chihuahua mix (Zoey, F, spayed) that I adopted from the shelter when she was 2. My parents (who I live with) decided that they wanted a dog 2 years ago, so they got a male yorkie puppy (Oliver, M, neutered). We figured that since he was a puppy, my dog would warm up to him slowly, and he would know that she was “boss.” Unfortunately, he’s now 2 years old and both he and zoey push all of each other’s buttons and try to be the “alpha dog” of the household. Fortunately, they’re both good listeners and we haven’t had any major problems between them (fights, etc), except that Oliver marks EVERYWHERE. He comes into my room (also Zoey’s room) and just inundates it with marking. It’s damaging our laminate flooring and it’s gross to have to clean up all the time, not to mention when he pees all over my bed. We’ve shown him the pee and told him no, reminded him that he needs to pee outside, reinforced successful potties hugely since day 1, used spray/cleaning products that claim to deter marking, used homemade ammonia/vinegar solutions, verbally discouraged marking behaviors, but he just keeps marking. It’s gotten to the point where we have to keep him in a belly wrap diaper whenever he has access to my room or the basement or else there’ll be puddles of pee everywhere. I work from home so I put both of them out at least once every 2 hours, so it’s not like he has to hold his pee for too long. And he’s potty trained. He asks to go out when he needs to pee/poo. He’s a crazy smart dog, too. We’re at a loss, we don’t know how to get through to him lol. I’m certain this behavior is due to the conflict between him and zoey, and hopefully I’ll be able to move out of my parents house with her soon. But in the meantime, any advice would be greatly appreciated.
@zookajoe It could be territorial marking. Maybe fear or anxiety related. Your vet may suggest an urinalysis. Since this is a new behavior, I'd take him to the vet.
@zookajoe To me, it doesn't sound like territorial marking. My first thought was anxiety, especially with your note of "EVERYWHERE." Indoor urination is a behavior for dogs who have anxiety. If it is anxiety, you cannot exercise, walk or "potty outside" your way out of this issue with your dog. Your vet is the best partner to tackle this issue.

Anxiety wasn't on my radar until my dog was diagnosed. I could have written your post; all I would have had to do is change the dogs age and urination to defecation. It was horrible on a level I cannot express.
@jackyforst That makes sense. We figured it was territorial bc he and my dog don’t get along and most of the urination is in my room, but he does go all over the place if given a chance. I don’t doubt the strife between the dogs causes anxiety for both of them. I’ll pass along this info and def tell my parents to take him to the vet.

I don’t even want to imagine this with defecation. We had to pull up all our upstairs carpet just bc of pee. This amount as poo everywhere sounds like the worst thing in the world.

Thanks so much for your insight!!