Just left my (nearly) 1 year old puppy out of her crate alone for the first time

@calpastor My puppy does the exact same thing. We never crate trained so I bought a Blink camera to watch her in the morning when she's home alone just to make sure she wasn't getting into any trouble. Initially I aimed it towards my kitchen where she usually naps when we're home. Come to find out she pretty much waited by the front door from the time we left until the time my in-laws got there at lunch to let her outside. Once I re-aimed the camera, it was catching her getting up and laying back down in a slightly different spot every 5 to 10 minutes or so. Maybe she misses her humans or maybe she's just restless, but she doesn't bark or chew anything. More likely that she's eagerly anticipating the dog bone treat my MIL brings her every day at lunch lol.

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