It’s over, i’m not the favorite

i’ve posted about this before and some people made mean comments

if you’re thinking about doing it, please don’t

i’ve been dealing poorly with depression, ADHD, anxiety and insomnia for a few months

my husband is the best person in earth, just a ray of sunshine and the best person i know

he has had 4 dogs and a bunch of cats, but i’ve never had any pets that weren’t fish

Blondie is a blonde chow chow 3 month old puppy. She’s my first dog and i fought for us to get her, cause we weren’t ready and we thought about getting other breeds.

But i loved her and I was really scared that someone would buy her for breeding. She has the most expressive eyes and it’s the cutest thing on earth. Shes very clear about her boundaries and learns really fast

The problem is that my puppy, my chosen one, my first dog ever has defined my husband as her favorite human. And chow chows, even though they love the whole family or group, are really bound to one owner

So everyday has felt like rejection
That’s not her fault in any way or my husbands
I’m not mad at any of them
I’m just sad to not be chosen
I know it’s silly but when you already have bad feelings about yourself, this just feels like another reason to hate yourself

She’s perfect, i love her, she’s my furry daughter and i’d kill to protect her, but i just wanted to vent

please don’t be mean to me, i’m already plenty mean to myself
@johnseolinkbuilding Just came here to say that your puppy does love you just as much as she loves your husband!

My husband was convinced our puppy prefers me and i was convinced he prefers my husband. But now I think our pup just shows his love for us in different ways.
@signatureunique 100%. I've grown up with dogs and I've had two dogs with my wife. From my experience, they have different routines with different humans. For example, my oldest dog will play bite and rough-house with me because it's our way of bonding, as well as cuddles afterwards. But for my wife, nothing but kisses and butt wags with lap cuddles. It been fairly consistent with most the dogs I've grown up with, but they get to know your personality and try to complement you.
@baggers Same here!

Husband = playtime and zoomies

Me = kisses and snuggles (unless he’s sleepy then it’s currently bites and leg humping 🤦‍♀️)

You don’t show your love for different friends and family members in the same way and neither will your furry friend! That doesn’t mean they love one person more than the other 💖
@baggers Yup. Our dog loves to greet my husband, and gets all excited to see him (the pup sleeps under our bed). It's sad that I take him outside first thing in the morning and he races away to say good morning to my husband.
@signatureunique Exactly this. My pup thinks my partner is the best thing in the world, he plays, he rough houses, he gives him treats and is fun. He's the one puppy gets most excited about and sometimes I get upset that I don't get the mad greetings and overexcited cuddles. But it's me he comes to if he's worried about something and it's me he follows around the house. We're both convinced the other is the favourite. I'm sure Blondie loves you just as much, give it time and you'll see how she manifests her love for you