Is peeling a dog’s paw pads normal?

@satanworshiper666 It sounds like they butchered his paws!!!

Please take him to the vet for an assessment of the damage!! Based on what they say, tell the groomer you need to be reimbursed for the vet visit and any treatment costs.

Please update us!!
@satanworshiper666 Peeling his paw pads is not normal nor okay. But it sounds like he had burned his paws and that's why they were peeling. If you walk your dog on hot surfaces this can happen. It's why it's so important to be mindful of how hot the ground is outside. If you cannot walk barefoot your dog should not be outside.
@satanworshiper666 So this happened to my dog who's never been to the groomer. Turns out it's allergies. She had other, more obvious, symptoms of allergies, too, though and all symptoms have cleared up since she's been on OTC allergy meds. I'm guessing yours doesn't have anything else going on to point to environmental/seasonal allergies, but I wonder if it couldn't be a contact dermatitis?
@me2626 His paws were fine before the groomer because I lifted them up to see his dew claws because sometimes they crack and they were fine. When he got in the car there was fresh bloody paw prints. He was bolting out of the place and once he got in the car he just stopped and laid down and was crying but when I went to talk to the owner you could see bloody prints coming out of the place. Not a good look for them.
@satanworshiper666 Hmm. I was just theorizing since your other dog isn't having the same issue and my dog's allergies caused hers to do that. I also missed your comment that said they just soaked them in water. I was thinking they used something in the water, but if not, I'm rethinking my allergy theory.

Either way, I hope he feels better soon!
@satanworshiper666 As per every other comment, not normal and not okay. My 2 cents is that I have seen pad “files” that look like large nail files, or what the pedicurist uses on the bottoms of our feet. Maybe someone went to town on the pads after they were soaked? I’m so sorry you and your pup are dealing with this
@satanworshiper666 As everyone else is saying, super nope. My cousin is a groomer and the most she does is lightly shave the paw pads on low with her dremel to keep the cracked pads from possibly snagging on anything and making the cracks bigger and painful. No one should everrrrr be doing anything more to your dog than grooming.