Is peeling a dog’s paw pads normal?

@satanworshiper666 Sounds unbelievable, but most dogs in Hong Kong wear shoes on their feet. I believe it is to protect their paw pads from the very hot concrete and black tar all over the roadways.

Maybe Texas is hot enough to warrant similar dog shoes.
@noahhw46 Boots can make it worse in the heat unless they’re one of a few specific brands that make them more breathable specifically for hot pavement. A lot of them hold in heat and can make the dog overheat
@satanworshiper666 Just a thought, is it possible that your dog had walked on a too-hot surface and burned his pads prior to the grooming date? I thought maybe the pads were "scabbed over" and the bath softened the scabs and they peeled before the skin underneath had healed.
@satanworshiper666 Peeling a dog’s paw pads is absolutely not normal. I’m trying to understand how this even happened. My only guess would be they thought it was hyperkeratosis and tried to remove what they thought to be excess keratin. This is why where I am (California), there are a lot of rules of what we are allowed to do as groomers. The most I would do is put paw balm on a dog after washing the feet. Scabbing and excess keratin also look different. What did your dog’s feet look like before?
@humbleknight They were uniformly black and then just had a few rough spots but looking at the pads it didn’t look abnormal or anything before and that’s why I was fine just moisturizing them. The rough spots weren’t deep cracks or anything it was just a little surface dryness
@satanworshiper666 Do they kennel their clients? Even if your dog is kennel-trained, I have seen dogs get stressed in the salon and scratch their feet raw in the crate due to the constant barking of other dogs and just the overall environment. Some salons are a lot busier than others. If you had a photo, I think some of us might have a better idea. So sorry you and your dog are going through this. Is it between the paw pads, exactly on the paw pads, or both? My thought too could be they dug too deep with the blade causing the inside of the pad to bleed. I’ve seen that happen with matting too. Dogs I’ve seen perfectly brushed sometimes get thick matting between the pads and even if the groomer is doing their best, it can get nicked. Still confused by what they’re saying though.
@humbleknight I just linked photos to his paws. It’s been almost 5 days so it’s healing but you can see the chunks where tissue is missing. It’s on the paw pads, I checked in between and nothing was raw or bleeding.
@satanworshiper666 Just the thought of doing that makes my skin crawl! EW! They definitely should have left it alone and recommended a vet. Paw irritation ja pretty common in poodle mixes but I’ve never heard of anything like this. So sorry you and your pup are dealing with this, definitely inform them about this and don’t go back.
@barlowgirl Oh I am now that I’ve confirmed that it isn’t normal! I was pissed and 3 or 4 of the people who work there kept telling me it was normal and that I was basically just being a bitch. So I’ve confirmed and am now dealing with them. The owner is avoiding my calls l like the plague today so if I don’t hear back soon I’m just going to stop by again
@satanworshiper666 this is crazy op ive never heard this ever since ive worked in the industry, how could they even “peel/shave” his pads without him displaying extreme pain?? and if he did, that means they just kept doing it anyway? this is so bizarre to me
@satanworshiper666 Interesting that you made this post. Yesterday I saw that one of my dog's paw pads is missing a small part. It's not due to a groomer because he hasn't been to one since least year. On Friday I trimmed the hair between his paw pads and everything was fine. Yesterday on Sunday I saw he was walking odd and found the little part missing the paw pad.

Then this morning my friend messaged me that her dog is also missing a small part of their paw pad too as of today. Btw we're both in Texas too. I'm wondering if it has something to do with the change in weather? Although I've never seen this before. I don't have an answer for you otherwise that this is a strange occurrence that is happening to my dog and a friend's dog, but not from going to the groomer. I'm not saying your dog groomer didn't do it, but I'm not saying they did it either. It could just be something that is happening naturally to dogs from the change in weather and them walking on their paws all the time without protection (usually).

Edit, I just saw that you said it is all 4 paws. That's awful! Is it all the pads too? My dog it's just a rounded corner on one of his paw pads on one foot. Same for my friend. It being all 4 paws, that does seem on purpose (and cruel)
@sadmanneedingthelord Yea it’s all of his pads. There isn’t a single one without a deep chunk of skin missing. It looks like they took a razor blade and cut them all because it’s deeper toward the front but all pads in all paws had them. They told me they “messed” with his paws because they seemed dry when I just talked to them but they wouldn’t tell me exactly what they did. I even looked around their shop to see if there was a grate in the floor or anything that could possibly be an explanation but didn’t see anything.