Is my dog angry or depressed..?


New member
I know that might sound silly but hear me out.

Ollie, my 7 year old French bulldog has lived with my family since I was 16 (now 23). He’s very loved and treated like a family member… our whole family is obsessed with him.

He’s always been my dad’s shadow, since he’s the one who usually feeds/walks him. My father WFH and Ollie has a nice little set up in the office where he hangs out with my dad.

I’ve temporarily moved back in with my parents after graduating college. He’s been OBSESSED with me. He usually sleeps w my parents down stairs but he jumps off in the middle of the night to come to my room. I don’t always hear him outside my door, so I don’t always let him in. If this happens he sleeps outside my door all night. He probably just missed me, but just wait.

Before anyone says why don’t I just take him to bed with me, he has allergies that give him dry skin patches. He’s always messing with them (we do what we can to try and prevent this) and they get bloody. My bedding is white, even if I put something over my bed he winds up under the covers and creates a mess….

Anyways when he does sleep with me, my dad comes in to get him to give him breakfast and walk him. Normally I’d do it when I wake up but we live in Texas so dad does this really early since it would be hot for him even at 8AM. My dad has done this for the past few summers I’ve spent at home. Only recently has it caused Ollie to become aggressive. He actually snaps and bites my dad. Draws blood!

This doesn’t happen just when he’s sleeping with me, Ollie and I could be on the couch and if any one comes close to us- even to pet him…. He bites!

The past few weeks or so he’s picked up this habit of if I’m not with him, he goes and pretty much sulks in his bed in the office. He won’t budge from that spot for anyone (will get aggressive) until he sees me.

I might just be over analyzing this, but I’ve been back since May and this aggression/attachment to me has only progressed.

I’m just worried about my dog, because this is all super out of character. Does anyone have any insights/theories? TIA

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