Is it normal for dogs to sometimes not poop for 2-3 days? or is something up?


New member
I've been dogsitting my brothers dog for 5 days now. I've taken care of him in the past, So he's familiar and comfortable around me. The first two days I took him out for a morning walk and he pooped just fine. I also take him on an evening walk after work where he usually doesn't poop, but it's nice let the pee out at least.

The last 2-3 days I've taken him out for his morning walk and even extended it to 2 full hours per morning walk and he has not pooped, not even the evening walks which I have also extended. I'm off to work right now and I'm nervous i'm going toa arrive to an apartment full of poop, and if not, we go for our evening walk again hoping he poops.

Is this normal?

P.S. I feed him twice a day. Once in the morning, and once in the evening. Plenty of water.
@poppae I would be suspicious and advise you to ask your brother about if he’s done this before, and make sure you have his dog’s vet information.

My dog will poop protest if it’s raining and has gone 2 days but usually then the second it’s no longer rainy she will go and will poop multiple times on the same walk. It’s not great probably but my vet wasn’t too worried when I asked about it. They said 3 days is a concern, and it’s a concern if the dog is straining or acting differently or not eating/drinking.

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