Interested in co-ownership in the future


New member
Hopefully this is the right place to ask this question!

In the future, like 5-7 years, I would love to get into breeding. I have become a huge dog nerd since getting a puppy for the first time this year and love learning all about the science of puppy raising and positive reinforcement. Previously I have only had adopted adult dogs.

My current puppy is a 9mo corgi that I have no intention of ever breeding, he was part of an oops litter between a Cardigan and Pembroke corgi. I love him of course but he certainly doesn't meet any breed standards and I would only ever want to be an ethical and reputable breeder (all the health tests, breed standards, considering temperament including ability to be a great home pet, etc...). However, I was wondering if I would become more attractive to current reputable breeders as a potential co-owner or mentee in the future if I was able to get my current puppy titled in some things where non-pure bred dogs are allowed to compete (e.g., trick dog, nose work, agility
@shawnmari As a breeder I would love seeing that kind of work put into your dog. I currently mentor 2 start up breeders. When I have questions I call my mentor or reproductive vet. My mentor has been helping me for 30 years now. She’s getting up there but boy does she know her stuff.

Sounds like a good plan you have. In the meantime learn everything you can about genetic issues, health testing etc. best wishes to your future endeavors.

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