I won't be here to protect my sweet boy - PLEASE read


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I don’t know how to start this post. Here goes – I found out last week that I have terminal cancer and not a lot of time. It was a complete shock. If I only had myself to worry about – I’d be ok. I have no fear of death or dying. But I’m terrified for my best friend. It’s been just me and him for 10 years – and probably 98% of those years, we were within 4 feet of each other. He’s the most precious thing in my life.

I’ve gone to extreme lengths to give him the most secure future I possibly can. I can’t/won’t go into detail in a public forum but he will never be a burden on his new person/family and there are no unexpected, unpleasant surprises about him.

The shelters and rescues are all over capacity because people are dumping and relinquishing pets rather than adopting. I’ve lived a very solitary life in a very rural area and simply don’t have a network of people to turn to, much less a network of fellow dog people.

I’m truly sorry for the depressing post. I very much welcome any ideas – especially outside the box ideas.

Below is information about Deuce, including the make or break stuff. Maybe you know of someone who recently or not so recently lost their beloved shepherd. Location isn’t important – as long as it’s on the North American continent.

Deuce (or “Bug” to me because he was so small when I got him) is incredibly sweet, 10 yrs old this month, neutered, 100 – 110 pounds so big and strong, full blood German Shepherd with no signs of hip dysplasia. He’s never growled at or bit anyone. He’s never lived with children so no children would be better. Lived inside his entire life. No cats. No crates. Potty trained and no accidents since he was a baby. He’s always had an open doggy door. No issues living with the 2 female dogs that were in house before I got him. After they passed, I attempted to bring in a female shepherd I rescued but he wouldn’t have it. He especially loves men (probably because he spent most of his life with a female human, and 2 female dogs. Lol) Good on leash and harness and loves car rides. Very smart and learns very fast. Loves, loves, loves to catch tennis balls – note that I didn’t say fetch balls. He sleeps on his side of my bed. Loves pets and attention but not a climb in your lap cuddler. Never chewed up or destroyed even a paper towel, though he will often meet you at the door carrying a shoe or piece of clothing. Probably goes without saying but he’s never been neglected, abused, or yelled at.

I can’t describe the terror I feel every moment over the horrific things I can’t protect him from when I’m gone.

No doubt there are some of you thinking I’m obsessed or crazy. If that’s you, please move on without commenting.

@mnewyork if you cant find anyone else nearby that you trust and we can figure out how to travel i would be happy to take in Deuce, located outside of Atlanta, GA. Currently have 1 older female GSD we rescued who is around 10yo right now, shes my wives dog, super sweet and velcro’s to her 24/7. Our o.g. black lab/blue heeler mix which is about the same age who just sleeps under the bed or whatever chair you’re sitting in and our newest rescue a 2-ish yo Female GSD who’s a total sweetheart, all spayed, the 2yo was forced to have puppies by the original owners and has a very kind soul when her and the lab mix aren’t playing bitey face

feel free to reach out to me if you cant locate anyone closer like i said. We have a good size house and a decent yard, and experience with taking in rescues. I’m truly sorry for everything going on.
@mnewyork I would reach out to German Shepherd Rescue of Texas, DFW German Shepherd Rescue, and Austin German Shepherd Dog Rescue as well. I know Austin’s will courtesy post for people needing to rehome theirs. I’m so sorry you’re going through this.
@mnewyork I'll have a friend ask someone in the US if they have options to help. Sending hug to you, can't imagine how horrible it must be to all deal with this
@mnewyork Another one to check out is sentry shepherds here in north west Arkansas. They have traveled all over the place to rescue sweet babies like yours. Best of luck friend.

Ps- your good boy reminds me of my good boy Dug
@mnewyork OP I am so close to you in the northern DFW. If our home wasn’t full and we didn’t have a cat, I would take Deuce in a heartbeat.

But, if you need anything or if Deuce needs a soft spot in the meantime during his transition, please don’t hesitate to message me. I’d be happy to do what I can or at the very least network him. If you do have time left and want to keep him until the time comes, I can certainly try my best to help with any transitions should the worst happen. I’m so sorry this is happening and hope at the very least you have some peace that Deuce will be cared for.
i'm in tears reading everyone's kind words. i wasn't expecting so many to reach out with sincere offers to help -i'm a bit ashamed of that because it's german shepherd people here, i should know better . thank you, thank you, thank you to each and every one of you kind souls.

stress and concern about deuce has wiped me out 1000 times more than the cancer so i'm going to rest for a bit.

I will be back on to respond to every comment. again - thank you.

@submariner I agree. It was really important for my boy to see and smell my dad who lived with us when he passed. He knew what was happening and basically pushed through to say his own goodbye. He goes and sits in dad’s old room sometimes either where the bed was or in his bathroom.
@lina83 My girl loved my father so much she would lose her shit when he visited. Since his passing she only has the interior of his old Buick left to catch his smell. Whenever I open the door she launches into the front seat and smells like crazy.
@mnewyork I’m so sorry for you but so happy you’re doing everything to take care of your beloved Deuce. If you’ve established a trust for Deuces care, I’m sure you included language to make sure he’s cared for his natural life. If you’re in the Chicago area, please contact the German Shepherd Dog Training Club in Hanover Park, they may be able to find you a fabulous home for him.
In the meantime, please take care of yourself.
@mnewyork If you haven't found a solution, look in to Canadian rescue organizations. We have the opposite problem you do, with more people wanting to adopt than dogs available. We import rescues from many other nations, including the US.
@mnewyork Having to give up a pet always sucks. Especially in situations like this. This community only trashes on it when it's for irresponsible things. If it is something that is totally out of your control like this then it is not an issue at all. There's absolutely no way you could have known 10 years ago that this would happen. Finding him a home is more than some in your situation would do.