I was warned about adolescence but H O L Y

@imagebeastmarkbeast I have a 6.5mo old mini dachshund and she does the same thing, ignoring is also the only thing that works! The Puppy Primer book is awesome, and all of the info I received from a previous trainer with a previous dog, was in that book. Highly recommend it! Much cheaper than a trainer too😂
@keepwalking I guess it's somewhat different for very small dogs, I don't know much about them, but I don't think it's that much different. Good luck! Just train, train, train! If I go a couple days without "formally" reviewing basics, my boy just thinks it doesn't matter anymore.
@puerazaelis I’m getting a minor recurrence of mouthing humans, the exploration of many things with mouth was manageable with the due diligence of applied disciplinary command’s and pre empting their anticipation of excitable events by filling them with a command. Ie: putting them in a sit and stay until all your preparations to go for a walk are done. :). Good luck! :)
@keepwalking So... Good news and bad news. The bad news is your dog hasn't reached puberty yet. The good news is, the both of you have just reached the next stage of puppy hood: final teething. There are some things that can help this process such as frozen Kongs/beans/carrots and lots of ears, skin head, and other natural things to bite on
@aaroncody Assuming you don't mean human ears/head/skin? zoiks

In all seriousness, I think I'll be able to cope with the general misbehaving if the biting stops. It actually scares my poor wife sometimes the way he jumps and bites. I think I'm just more used to it because I spend more time with him.. who knows.
@keepwalking Daycare really helped with biting, for me. Puppies teach each other bite inhibition a lot faster than we can, and playing with lots of different dogs/puppies lets them learn that everyone has different play styles and boundaries that should be respected.
@puerazaelis You're absolutely right. I emailed about our local daycare almost 2 months ago and they still don't have room for him :-( we'll probably start to look for a daycare place further away if it means getting him the socialising and inhibition he needs.
@keepwalking Eeh... Yeah, might have wanted to clarify that. Oops. You can find dried cow or pig ear/head skin at the pet store and dogs love them. The darker ears are stronger in smell but the lighter ones are doable indoors. The head skin have barely any smell to them.

When it comes to your wife, let her know it will pass. One day your dog will still be biting and the next day all of the sudden it is over. Keep squeeling and make it really high and sharp. The power isn't so much in the volume as it is in the tone. Try out and adjust if necessary, it should help her voice is naturally a bit higher.

Good luck with the pupper and the teeth hunting!
@keepwalking lol sorry you’re not at adolescence quite yet!! but as for biting, in my experience yes! She lost all her baby teeth, got a new set of beautiful pearly whites, and has decided that we are not good chew toys anymore 🤷🏻‍♀️ Consistency and patience, you WILL get there!!!!
@keepwalking My pup is a small mixed breed and just turned 12 months old. She just suddendly stares at me when I give her basic commands like a simple “sit”, “come” etc. and now decides when she wants to listen. This is driving me crazy! Also, she learned to either jump or climb over the gate from her safe area she stayed at night and while we were out of the house for a bit. She has always pulled the leash but had gotten some better but now worse again. She is more demanding of my time that settling on her own. The list seems to go on and on…

Some good out of it that technically is not the best from a trainers standpoint.-Once she started either jumping or climbing over the gate (3 days in a row) she did well in the house alone. No problems what so ever, so she has free run of the house while we are away. She now sleeps with us and we are ok with it. The good news is if she would be better on leash and at the very least come back to her senses with her basic commands life would be really, really great!

She also is a pandemic puppy and did not get socialized (that is a whole different discussion) but as far as adolescence goes that is all we are experiencing, but for me it’s like a big ticket item not following basic commands. We love her very much and working with her daily. She is a the light of my day and so glad we have her. But, I am tired at the end of the day as I cuddle her in bed.
@keepwalking My two boys seem to have just hit their teens….only they are almost 1 year old. So I got two big dogs being butts and a 5 year old who is starting to act out when he see the pups doing it.
@keepwalking My puppy is 10 months and he injures me every day: bruises, tooth scrapes on my knuckles, claw scrapes on my arms, the ligament he bruised in my hand has hurts for days. I have a puppy gate into the kitchen and today I stood on the other side of the gate suggesting he run it off because he was not going to use my body as a trampoline or chew toy for his frustration zoomies. He can be very sweet at other times but I can just barely manage when he is frustrated or mad and tries to pick a dog fight with his poor old human mama! I hope this phase is over soon.
@keepwalking Oh sweetie you haven’t seen adolescence yet. Train him to settle. For my girl I started with sit then pointed to the ground and repeated settle. She got it eventually. Now at almost 4 when she’s nuts I can tell her to settle and she will do it. Even if she wild she will generally do it. Right now your pup is still learning limits and is wanting attention. For some reason feet are a favorite target of spoos. The biting can be reduced by teaching them to be nice. My girl still mouths my hand and arm but she’s very careful not to bite down on me. I know this works for me. It’s a struggle someday’s still. Good luck and enjoy the journey.

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