I was not prepared for adolescence!!!

@wontbelongnow Mine is also 11 months and your post hit the nail on the head with what we are going through. I didn't think my puppy blues would come back but here we are. Sigh I hear it gets better when they turn 2 (for medium to large breeds). Only 13 more months until we come out on the other side 😭
@4mehedied It’s gonna take until they turn TWO?? Oh my word… Mine is 10 months, and I had been wondering how much more adolescence I had to look forward to. So… much… barking…
@kimbob5688 I’m guessing 7 months.. sounds about right if OP has a medium dog lol. 7 months is when my pup decided to forget all their training and become a tornado for 5 months lmao.
@wontbelongnow I have a 9 month old and he behaves really well. We experienced the selective recall around 5ish months but it didn't last too long. I honestly haven't experienced the chasing/sitting in the middle of the road etc you guys are... I'm not writing this to be an asshole, I'm wondering if he's just a really good dog (he's never had formal training, we did all training ourselves) or if he's just developmentally delayed 😂😂

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