I was not prepared for adolescence!!!


New member
What the fuck is puppy adolescence and why didn't anyone prepare me. I really miss the two weeks when my puppy was fully trained and a lovely boy, when finally I was over puppy blues. HIT ADOLESCENCE!! 👊👊👊
Perfectly well socialized puppy is now scared of everything: mysterious garbage bag, car door open, shoes on the floor, people standing outside the building apartment!! It's driving me crazy. I think I really hit the jackpot with adolescence. Not only is he scared and randomly barks, he is over excited by any slight movement: pigeons (enemy n°1), skates (enemy n°2), electric bikes, kids running, mop etc. You get the picture.

I don't walk him, he walks me. Randomly sits on the road and won't move because he doesn't like this road or he saw a carton box on the street.

No commands, no retention. Refusal to eat his kibble. The only time I am interesting is if I play tug or fetch with him. Won't stay alone and doesn't like coming along to restaurants. He wants to have the cake and the cherry 🍒 on top of the cake.

Attention span is limited to the time I have a treat in hand and there are NO FUCKING OTHER STIMULANTS!

Sorry for the rant 😭 but I am at my wit's end.
@wontbelongnow This is literally my 7.5 month old corgi. I'll also add:


and also:

@jennyfer88baker I have a 7.5 month old corgi too, and he does the same thing!!

He noticed he could see our neighboring building outside our window and started barking at it.

Gets upset when we ask him to sit/lay down. He doesn’t give a shit about his chicken outdoors on walks anymore, pulls like crazy and started wanting to greet people again.

Driving me nuts.
@jennyfer88baker My pup plays with this Corgi pup at the park and the Corgi always chases down group of dogs to bark at them when they are playing or fighting for a ball. I swear that Corgi never wants anything other than being the police haha
@revots As someone with a 13 month old corgi I promise all of the lunacy ramps down- she was a paranoid monster at 7-9 months and has just recently settled down, she used to scream at startling loud noises (vacuum, people outside, blender, bags on chairs) and that has all stopped and the biggest thing is she LISTENS to me now!!! When she was activated by something there was nothing I could do to get her attention but now she rolls obediently on her back when I tell her to stop doing things- big picture- it does get better :))
@viorel I have a 9m old lab. I've been teaching her to sit at any intersection where a car is present. It's going wonderfully...until I release her. Then she bounds forward and almost pulls my arm out of the socket (we are working on it).
Maybe if you teach yours to sit and wait before you cross she'll be so excited to go she won't stop? 🤷🏼‍♀️
@mapcreator456 Lol yeah I did the same thing. I thought it would be good to teach him to stop before stepping off a curb; but now it just means he tries to jump into the street like it has to be done quickly and without thought.
@wontbelongnow Omg did I write this???

Leaves - our 8month old yellow lab is crazy for chasing leaves blowing im the wind. But - only when he’s walking on the lead. Leaves in the garden when he’s off lead? Not interested.

He has also “forgotten” his recall command. Unless it suits him.

I have a 13year old son. And honestly. The human teenager is easier to manage 😂
@mythman Lol I have a 7 month golden who is obsessed with chasing leaves. He even starts looking for them when the wind picks up or if a car drives by because it stirs up any leaves. He is 70 lbs and strong! I probably look like a fool when I walk him. I'm dreading fall 😂

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