I think someone else is in my dogs body


New member
No, but seriously. She turned 3 and it's like I have a totally different dog. For some background, I got Hellena in 2019. When I first got her is when I noticed something wasn't right. She shivered and melted into the ground. Terrified. Of everything. Of course the obvious stuff like a plastic bag in the wind but like wind in general. How the leaves moved. She was so scared that she'd pee on herself and express anal gland secretions. She'd never even acknowledge anyone else. Act like her name wasn't even Hellena. She'd never take a treat from anyone else.

We've worked a lot on confidence building. Also on our relationship. She needed to know I had her back 100%. That when I said "it's okay", she could trust me. We've been working consistently on learning neutrality for the last year. She's been on behavioral medication several days over the past 4 months. On the days I give it to her, we go to several places and make the most of it. She's "sober" 90%+ of days but the confidence she gained on drugged days stays.

Well the past week has been insane. She's been 100% sober and like a totally different dog. Sure she still was uncomfortable when moving guys came and she ran in anxious circles. But she could still play. She could still go by them and sniffed them from a distance of 4-5 feet. She has taken mini pepperonis from 5 people the last 2 days!! 2 4 year old boys, a MAN, and 2 young(10-12) girls. One girl called her name and Hellena actually went to to her in response!! She's even let several people pet her. A man was dragging a large metal weight thing up and down our street. Nothing. The 2 boys were swinging her chuckits like maniacs. And Hellena just continued playing with the boys! My girl. If I didn't know, I'd have seen her and just thought wow what a normal dog. She seemed to be completely comfortable in the chaos. I'm seriously amazed. I know better than to think her issues are in the past. But it feels like all the work is showing. Others have verbally noticed.

I'm just extremely hopeful for her future. Like maybe one day she'll be an easy dog. I want this for everyone who posts or lurks in here. It's a huge commitment having a dog like this. And it's not easy. But I hope you all can value your dog's good times over the struggles.

Picture of Hellena:
@dme This made me so happy I almost cried. Your girl sounds exactly like ours! We haven’t started medication yet but this made me feel a lot better about starting it. Congrats to you and Hellena, you’ve had amazing progress!
@drbarryrev Just keep trying. We met with several trainers but zero progress. Had success using webinars and training myself first! But the medication was absolutely what she needed. I feel awful about waiting this long. I asked vets before. Vets who couldn't touch her. Vets who saw her terrified. And they just said no and gave us another trainers business card. I told the last trainer about my girl. She called the vet and told him IT'S NECESSARY. He called back and said "okay, we'll try it". I take advocating for my dog extremely seriously. I should have pushed harder sooner.

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