I played firework noises for my dog from day 1, and I HIGHLY recommend it

@beslowtoanger yes!! this is a brilliant idea

we accidentally fell into a loop of calling everything “(blank) thunder” after a thunder storm. the icecream truck is “twinkle thunder” and motorcycles are “broom broom thunder”

my girl always calms down, we have names for a lot of things so i think just saying “it’s only twinkle thunder!” puts her at ease. i feel a bit silly when saying it but it helps with her anxiety so it’s worth it lol
@beslowtoanger Getting a puppy next month. Totally doing this. Most of us don't think about fixing a problem until we are a couple years in. This guy thought ahead. I think this is not just a dog training lesson, but a life lesson.
@funkybeat Yeah I wish I had done this years ago with truck noises, driving noises, beeping, slamming doors... also airplanes and overhead traffic. And doorbells and knocking.
@funkybeat Contact your vet and ask about medication for instances like fireworks or thunder storms.

Do not give ANY medication, especially over the counter medications for people, without furst consulting your vet.
@beslowtoanger Unfortunately all of my desensitisation work went down the drain when some asshole set off a firework just down the street from us a few months ago. I have never heard a dog scream like that before..

Hoping medication helps this new year
@beslowtoanger I actually did something similar with my children when they were babies. I was told, "Play loud music, make noise, and they'll sleep through anything." It worked.

My kids are older now. But I did it with my dogs. Fireworks, very loud guns. They notice, but they don't run, and it doesn't spook them.