I played firework noises for my dog from day 1, and I HIGHLY recommend it

@aquadoodle Pretty sure my dog feels the low pressure from storms. When I see her start shaking and looking stressed, I'll check the storm radar map on my phone and there will be a lightning storm about 15 minutes away from reaching us.
@beslowtoanger I just have a corgi whose basic disposition is "stoked". we had an earthquake the other day and he thought it was awesome.

it's not advice, but he's pretty funny except for when he doesn't realise another dog is trying to kill him and it isn't just REALLY INTENSE (and maybe the best ever?) playing.
@beslowtoanger I got my rescue right before the initial lockdowns, for whatever reason Cambridge had a ton of fireworks going off at the time. We also lived near construction (big building construction) and had a bunch of noise from that... She's not a very confident dog and a we're working on that, but fireworks and lightning aren't a problem.

I wish I ran my louder vacuum more...
@michael972 Oh man the lockdown fireworks 🥴... We also picked up our new-to-us dog right at the beginning of lockdowns. By the end of the summer she definitely didn't give a waaat about fireworks but, unfortunately, she also is pretty anxious around other unfamiliar sounds
@beslowtoanger We did this, as well as baby noises/ crying when we were expecting our little one. They don't react to anything anymore which is amazing! Except when we had someone wondering around our yard and they still didn't make a peep....
@beslowtoanger “Avenger” movies work for me. I have a new pup (10 weeks) and she’s already used to it. But, I think I’ll try the thunder videos too. I didn’t know they existed. Thanks for the tip.
@beslowtoanger What a great idea! My dog a little older, but we may be listening to fireworks YouTube videos today…..

My pup was a stray. I have been using thunderstorm sleeping sounds to sleep forever and I turned them on out of habit. His first night, he was a little apprehensive about the sounds, but was so truly exhausted he passed out. Now when he hears a thunderstorm, he tries to get me to go to bed!