I just wanna share some products I've been using with in case you're looking for something new/different


New member
I'm sorry persecute me now for having a typo in the title :'(

Since I now am my own boss and can use whatever the heck I want, I've been having a lot of fun trying new products!!

First one I want to mention is actually a self care product, but it is still work related. I religiously wear sunscreen every day because I do use skincare products that contain AHA, plus I'm ghostly white and skin cancer isn't cute. I had a big issue with sunscreen getting in my eyes, especially at work when getting splashed or sweaty. I have been using the e.l.f. Suntouchable! Invisible Sunscreen SPF 35 for a few weeks now and am hooked. It has a dimethicone makeup primer feel, so if you hate that you won't like it. But it isn't heavy and slippery like when you accidentally put on too much primer, which is nice since the amount of sunscreen you are supposed to apply is a lot more than primer. But the best thing about this sunscreen is I have yet to experience it running into my eyes and burning. My main con to it is it's not scented at all, so it has that chemical silicone smell when you're applying it. The smell immediately dissipates though.

Now onto actual grooming products!
  • I have been very impressed by Flying Pig Grooming. I bought the Flying Pig One dryer and wow is that little thing powerful. It honestly feels as strong as the Metrovac dryers I used at petsmart. Now, someone long before me mounted them upside down on the walls which kinked the hose, and I doubt they've ever been serviced before, so that could have really hampered their performance. But still I am shocked at the quality of this little dryer. It makes me want to try the new Flying Pig Double when I am ready to upgrade, especially since its price tag is very appealing compared to something like K-9 dryers
  • The shampoos and conditioners I am testing are Davis Degrease Shampoo, Nature's Specialties Lav-N-Derm, Nature's Specialties Plum Silky conditioner, and Tropiclean Moisturizing conditioner
    • LOVE Davis Degrease! I'm bathing w/ mixing bottles right now, and I love just adding a little bloop of this shampoo on the dog if I feel like the main shampoo isn't lathering well on them or the dog is really dirty. A little goes a loooooong way and none of the dogs have felt overly stripped after using it even though it's very heavy duty
    • I like Nature's Specialties Lav-N-Derm. I have been using it at its full dilution ratio of 50:1 (or about). It's definitely not a dirty dog shampoo, but it's a really nice gentle shampoo. I've been getting pretty grubby dogs nicely clean by just giving this shampoo a little boost with the Davis Degrease. It does also seem to help itchy skin. I had a Shar-Pei bath and he had some pretty gnarly skin, and while I won't know until I see him a few times if just any bath at all helps this skin, I have bathed enough dogs in general that I feel like I can say this shampoo is geared towards soothing skin. I would love to pair this with another form of skin relief shampoo, like Bark2Basics Skin Relief or a tea tree oil shampoo to see how much a combo like that really helps yucky skin (idk how I feel about using actual OTC medicated shampoos)
    • I want to love Nature's Specialties Plum Silky conditioner. The formula is hard to work with though. It doesn't mix easy at all. So far, I've had the best luck getting it to mix and dilute by filling the bottle with the hottest water that will come out of the tap and just violently shaking. Though, this does mean I need to mix well ahead of doing dogs because the water I used was so hot. If I don't do this, it just never seems to mix with the water and remains chunky
    • Tropiclean continues to impress me. I've been a fan of the brand for years. I have yet to find a product from them I dislike. Tropiclean Detangler is still the best silicone-free detangler spray I have ever tried and I always go back to it as soon as I finish whatever else I was giving a try. With that, I do really like the Tropiclean Moisturizing conditioner. It is a heavier conditioner than the Plum Silky conditioner. I want to try #1 All System's conditioners because they are 40:1 dilution ratio, but if I find it has a hard time mixing like Plum Silky, this Tropiclean conditioner might be my go-to daily conditioner
  • I have also been using Best Shot The Maxx. It seems to basically be the same thing as The Stuff. Idk yet if I like it more than The Stuff since I'm using several new products. I also have only ever used the RTU version of The Stuff, and I bought the concentrate version of The Maxx so I may have not made it strong enough. And I also will be honest, at petsmart we could order Davis Mat-Out which is also a silicone detangling/drying aid spray, and I think I liked it more than The Stuff >.>
I am dying to try CC SmartWash shampoos once I have money and they are back in stock (looks like they are out of stock due to repackaging). I also don't know what brand I want to try for deshedding shampoo/conditioner, since I also don't really know how much I noticed a difference using the Furminator shampoo/conditioner at work for deshedding vs how much just having a good deshedding routine helps.

I know it's a very long post, but I just wanted to give detailed reviews for you guys!