I’m about to move across the US with my 6 y/o Beagle. What are some car and/or travel essentials that you would consider as must-haves?

@chantellel So, not necessarily a tip for OP for this trip, but as a dog owner in a hot climate, I have found having a vehicle with remote start is a life saver for traveling in summer. My last vehicle had it purely by coincidence but I came to depend on it so much that not having it was a deal breaker when I bought my new car.

I would stop at gas stations, get gas, then move my car to a parking spot near a grassy area, lock the dog in the car with the remote start so the a/c was running, set a timer on my watch for 30 seconds less than the engine would run, and then run inside real quick to use the bathroom. Then I would take the dog out for a potty break and to stretch her legs before we got back on the road.

The engine was noisy enough that it was obvious the car was running to anyone who got close enough to see the dog in the car so I never had any issues. I have considered a sign to put on the window saying the dog is fine just in case lol.

Just a thought for anyone making future plans
@minhduc I carry Trazodone with me wherever I take my dogs - you never know and it's better to be prepared. A three day road trip can be absolutely miserable for him if he gets anxious, and having something just in case is worth it, IMO - even for staying in the hotels, if he hasn't stayed away from your home often.

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