How to reward puppy for going potty outside when it’s 0°F outside?

@eleventhhourworker6 Yes definitely. It’s rarely that cold - when it is it’s a quick walk in the yard - 2 minutes or so. The problem still persists when it’s 15°F. The dog seems fine for at least 10 minutes, I don’t (and have a medical condition making my hands and feet colder than normal)
@marriedwoman Same! 😣 Do you get chilblains? God they hurt!

And yet I live in a city and walk my young dog 5 times a day .. he poops twice / day, which means twice I need to take one mitten off to bag (gotten good at doing it one-handed).

  • before leaving the house, I prepare the poop bag by opening it and blowing into it so that it opens easily / faster when I'm outside.
  • I found natural shearling mittens on ebay
  • someone else here recommended hunters mittens -- apparently they have a way to only expose thumb and forefinger when needed. These sound perfect for OP's need to dispense treats, paired with a treat pouch that's maybe on a long crossbody strap worn over one's coat?
(yes, Raynauds seriously sucks)
@motel6oceanside He doesn't need five walks a day but he absolutely loves them so much, as much as he loves food! So unless it's absolutely pouring, I take him. Only two are more than a few blocks.

I'm cutting both long ones shorter today because with wind chill it's like -10F 🥶
@yesnice You could try using a marker word or clicker which would help, but ideally no you wouldn’t want to wait til you’re inside. Try to find a treat that you could use without needing to take your gloves off such as a tube of sandwich filler cheese or meat (but double check the other ingredients)