How to deal with grief after losing your baby


New member
We recently lost our sweet baby Belle after 9 years to cancer. She had a tumor on her heart rupture and died in my arms. She suddenly collapsed and stopped breathing and we did cpr, she came back and rushed her to the vet where she passed within minutes. Doctor said there was nothing we could have done and the cancer had started 2-8 weeks ago. I am heart broken. It was very traumatic and painful to say goodbye in that way. How can I move through this? We have her sister still but it feels different.
@redrockjunkie Most days get a little bit better. You can have a bad day, that's OK, too. It may be months, it may be years, but one day that hurt will be replaced with happiness of the memories you had together. Hug the one you have left and know she's having a rough time too. She's going to help you and you're going to help her through this.

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