How to choose what senior dog food to switch my 8y/o dog to?

@zombieguy My go to recommendation is usually purina pro plan (for seniors). Senior food is formulated differently than regular adult food but whatever brand you choose just make sure it meets WSAVA requirements.

Your vet will have more insight into your dog’s dietary needs than we will, but as your dog gets older definitely pay attention to weight management. That can have a massive impact on their quality of life.
@louies777 Yeah, he's currently in the vet for his annual and he's gained weight (not dramatically but I don't want it to become a problem).

He's been 55 lbs most of his life & gained 5 lbs when his activity level dropped at around 6y/o but not concerning bc he was still quite lean, but now I'm like alright buddy no more pudge for you. (He clocked in at 62lbs today)
@zombieguy Ya, that extra weight will sneak up on you because we see our dogs every day and may not notice the small changes over time. My girl got a little chonk on her a couple of years ago. She’s normally around 40 to 45lbs and got to 53lbs, which doesn’t seem like much until you do the math and realize that’s an over 20% increase in weight. (She’s back to normal weight now though)