How much should I walk my dog really?


New member
I walk my sweet 4 year old cattle dog about 5 times a day. I worked from home throughout the pandemic and just sort of took her out when I needed a walk. Now I am 7 months pregnant and am having a much harder time getting around. How much do I have to walk her really? Could she get by with two walks, or even one? She has never spent a full 8 hour day alone without being walked.
@tim1960 You can do less walks for a few days and if your dog doesn't start being destructive, disobedient, having lots of zombies or other energy releasing traits after a few days then you are good. You can always do things like throwing a ball to get them to run or do agility type training (walking through a tunnel, balancing and turning around on a bench, jumping over or going under a limbo, ect) as this will help to mentally excercise your dog and help to keep them happy and calm.
@tim1960 We walk our lab and gsd twice a day, 45 mins before work, 1.5 hrs after work. They spend most of the day snoozing, the walks are mixed terrain with hills etc
@tim1960 Tbh if you can afford it I would hire a dog walker until you’re able to walk her like normal. Cattle dogs have a ton of energy and need exercise, if you have a friend with a big fenced in yard you could always take her there to just run which she would probably love.
@tim1960 A lot of people think walks are the end all be all of dog ownership but you probably don’t need to walk her that much. Look into some puzzle toys or brain games that will be stimulating for her without wearing you out.
@tim1960 Dogs need to RUN, not walk. Walking on a leash it’s just frustrating for a high energy breed like a cattle dog. That dog needs to run off leash until its tongue is hanging out of its mouth twice a day. Hire a dog walker to take it out to a field and throw frisbee for it