How much do I feed my 8 week old 9 pound lab?

@imagebeastmarkbeast So do you think a cup at breakfast / lunch / dinner would be appropriate? perhaps 2 cups? I am thinking that 1 is not a lot as well. He just seems hungry after eating still, but it’s tough to tell with a pup...
@billie18 Lol it is tough to tell--mine is super food motivated! But that is what I do and actually saw they can get 4cups as they get older, and started adding an extra half cup at two of the meals (depends on my routine). Our adult lab gets 2cups twice/day and he maintains a muscular 75lbs. I'd say it's safer to start big and cut back if needed though! They need the nutrients right now for all the growing, especially protein. Better to make sure they're getting that imho. If he starts to get a bit overweight you can always reduce/exercise more!
@billie18 Our vet has us do timed feedings. As much as they want in 10 min - the pupper will eventually walk away after you refill the bowl. I have since stopped because he has a sensitive tummy and we need to cut his food a bit to give his I intestines a break. But he was growing so well and never got chunky!
@dichthuatmid I would respectfully disagree with this method. Labs are notoriously greedy with food, to the point where intestinal occlusion from overeating is s real concern. They are also very prone to overweight and, partly for that reason, hip and elbow problems.
@billie18 In addition to following the instructions on the puppy food bag for now, make sure you're using a proper measuring cup. A red solo cup is far larger than an actual unit-of-measurement cup (I would guess as much as double the size).