How many times have you accidentally cut your dog's quick?


New member
I cut my dog's quick while trimming her nails. I did alright for the front feet but the back feet I guess were shorter. I'm a bit traumatized now cause of her little yelp and she ran around with blood coming out of her little nail (she's a Chihuahua). She forgave me immediately and even gave me a smug look like "see what happens when u don't listen to me!?"
Buuuut please share some advice and/or traumatic events of your own while cutting your dog's nails. 😭😭😭😭
I want to learn how to do it properly but definitely don't want to hurt her again...
P.s. she has opaque nails 😭😭😭
@saralynn1 I don't clip anymore. I have a filer, kind of like a dremel, but for doggies. Mine also has a light so you can shine through the nail to see the nail bed better. Obviously doesn't work on black nails so I do my girls clear/opaque nails first then do the rest to match the length. Clipping causes way more stress in my opinion and too many people cut too short or the nail splinters. However if you have some corn starch on hand dab a bit on the end to stop bleeding if it happens again. just be a bit more careful going forward. 😊
@bastionhd Wish I knew about the cornstarch. My partner clipped our dog’s quick by accident and it was so scary to watch it bleed!! I immediately ordered some of that blood stop stuff on Amazon (of course this happened at like 10pm and nothing was open). I’m shocked to see all these things that people can grind their dogs nails. Doesn’t the sound scare them?
@xthemessenjahx My old girl doesn’t give a shit, but my boy is SOOPER stressed about the Dremel. You just have to acclimate them. Turn it on, give him treats while it’s on, touch his foot with it while it’s off, give him a treat, turn it on, give him a treat, treats, treats, treats, turn it on while he’s eating his food, turn it on at random times, and pet him, and reward him for putting up with it, ad nauseam…
@saralynn1 I had it happen once. There’s a quick clotting powder stuff I keep in my first aid kit. I also immedialty apologized and stopped the trim for the day.
@joy If you ever run out of that clotting powder, cornstarch works very well! I had a chicken that ripped it's nail off when it got scared while I was cleaning his legs. Stopped the bleeding and kept him in solitude for a day to let it scab over, and put him back with his friends! That was a month ago, he's nice and healthy now! Idk if the nail will ever grow back, but oh well😅😅
@joy No problem! I like spreading cheap hacks like that. Not everyone has the money for authentic fixes, might as well shoot for the next best thing when you can!
@saralynn1 None. My dog runs so much that, in addition to our neighborhood walks on concrete sidewalks, she’s never needed to have her nails trimmed.
@zabu this worked until my dog got older and didn't walk as much, and then the nails got a little out of control without me noticing because I was so used to the sidewalks taking care of them :( So definitely keep an eye on the situation.
@melver2 Yeah, I’m aware that it won’t necessarily work forever. Fortunately, she’s totally fine with me handling her paws, and I have actually used a nail dremel on her before, even though it wasn’t really necessary. She doesn’t particularly enjoy the process, but she doesn’t fight it, either, and she does enjoy the treats afterwards. 😊

Luckily, we are also committed city folk, so there will always be sidewalks as well.
@melver2 same thing happened to me. My old boy is so anxious and refuses to have a clipper anywhere near him and the sound of the electric one freaks him out even more. I didn't worry about it for so long because the concrete kept it in check. now that he's older and doesn't move as much, his nails have gotten out of control. I had to have him fully sedated by the vet to cut his nails
@zabu I used to live in an apartment in a city center so my pup got multiple walks a day on concrete, so I only ever had to trim her dew-claws. Now we're in a house and play in the yard so I have to do all her nails every few weeks.
@zabu My female walks on her tippy toes and has always had short nails, but my boy walks flat-footed for some reason… Could’ve been neglect when he was a puppy, making him keep his nails off the ground, not sure. But he always needs his nails clipped and he’s terrified of the Dremel.