How Many Days for Novolin N Vial for Doggo?


New member
My 7 year old pug/pomeranian mix was just diagnosed with diabetes yesterday. I am trying to get an idea of the financial cost of the medication to be prepared. He was proscribed 2 units twice daily of Novolin N 10mL 100u. How many days would the vial last. I want to be prepared if this will be a weekly cost, monthly, etc.
@godhelpme1999 I haven’t tallied mine up exactly, but my big guy gets 25 units 2x a day (he’s had to increase a fair amount over the years) and one vial lasts around 21 days. Right now I’m getting them for $25 over-the-counter at Walmart, but I’m going to ask my vet for a script next time I take him in because GoodRX also recently started carrying coupons that bring it down to $25 at Rite Aid and Walgreens, which are closer to me.

You definitely won’t need more than a vial a month at that low dose, but do keep in mind that they start to lose efficacy 28 days after being opened.