How long to see results on fluoxetine/prozac

@mistertumnus We are thinking about switching from clomicalm TO fluoxetine; in your experience would this seem like a bad idea?

It's not that clomicalm doesn't work - it makes a difference, but we also have to give him trazodone 3x a day, and now we just can't AFFORD clomicalm anymore. For Trip's size and dosage it costs $110 a month.
@btrdst You won't know how your dog does until you've tried both. Floux is definitely cheaper and if you can get the same results out of it I would say go for it. Worse comes to worse you go back (or try something else*). I would consult with your vet regarding the best way to transition (dial one down and when to introduce the other)
  • We did try alprazolam with my vet (before the behaviorist and Fluox) and within 3 days my dog was stumbling and tripping about. He was freaking out that he was flailing so it was too much. Immediately stopped and went back to try Fluox. But that drug may work for other dogs.
Build up your knowledge base and figure out what works and doesn't! Document it all to figure out what's different on each med.
@jordi9999 Our lab is 50 lbs; we had 4 weeks on 20 mg with absolutely no change. Switched to 40 mg, saw a few small changes aftet 4 additional weeks, and big changes at 6 weeks after the dose change. It takes a while!
@jordi9999 I would say it took 2-3 months. Completely changed our life from unbearable to quite manageable. Skye's baseline anxiety was out of this world ridiculous and when she leveled out we could all actually focus on serious training.
@jordi9999 Anxiety increased so much around 3 to 6 weeks in that we began weaning off at 8 weeks. Anxiety decreased along with the meds.

I would only make a decision at the 2 month mark if results were bad. Otherwise, I'd stick with it for awhile longer. Good luck!

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