How do I train my dog when we live with other dogs?


New member
We live on my in-laws rural property, with 3 rescue working dogs. We have our girl Snow, 6th old Kelpie x Border Collie, G, 4yr old Kelpie x Dingo, and D, 2-3yr old bull breed x hunting dog.

Snow is our dog, G and D are my in-laws.

G is very well behaved, he was a dumped sheep dog so he has been trained.

We have no idea what D is, but I suspect she was a feral puppy of an abandoned hunting or pigging dog. She has no dog social skills outside of instinctual pack behaviour, has no interest in toys, and is incredibly food insecure. She is LOCKED on any sniff of food and wolfs it down. She’s impossible to work with and isn’t motivated by play.

Snow has learnt a lot of good behaviours from G, but I’m struggling to keep Snow’s focus if D is around. We have to leave the property to get basic training in, and she’s learning so well and so quickly away from D, but it all goes out the window when we get home. Recall is pretty good when Snow is alone, she sits, she waits for food and is comfortable in a crate.

How do we keep Snow’s training up if she has such a difficult influence? D isn’t my dog, but my in-laws have shown no real interest on working with D, which is making Snow’s training at home an uphill battle. Help!
Also happy to hear any tips for reducing D’s stress levels around food and increasing her security. I’ve been tempted to buy a huge bag of cheap crunchies and just letting her have free access, but I don’t know how to allow only her access but not the other two.

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