How’s everyone w an adolescent puppy doing?

@mfhorn I can relate to the potty accident. My pup always holds it when I'm gone even though he has a pee pad which he uses when I'm home. Last night I got home really late and made the mistake of not closing the bathroom door when I took a shower. He stood there helplessly and peed right there and then at the sound of the running water. I felt so bad for him because he'd been holding it all night and then I set him up for failure.
@abugah My 8 month old border collie has started to bark at anyone and anything that moves. Wants to pull on the leash. But on the upside she is more lovey and cuddly now and is mature enough to not hurt her chihuahua brother who is 10 years old when they play.
@abugah We have a 6 month pomsky/golden mix
  1. She will. Not. Listen. No basic commands work right now.
  2. So mouthy. The biting has stopped thank god…but she is so mouthy. That’s the golden in her I guess.
  3. Absolutely hates having the harness put on.
  4. Doesn’t matter what time of day we go, or where in her routine, or how tired she is - she will bite on her lead and tug and tug and just not walk. At least she’s stopped jumping up to bite my arm I suppose. Is that progress?
  5. She is a lunatic when given the chance to roam in the living room.
  6. She will steal and destroy anything and everything.
So yeah she’s a real handful at the moment. Roll on adulthood!
@christianstoicism You are all awesome and amazing and have my prayers and condolences. Though I am not happy to see so many struggling w the same issues it does make me feel better to know I’m not alone and I picked up some great tips. I hope you all did too. We are all in this together. We got this!!!! lol ❤️❤️❤️
@abugah Positives:

Walks are awesome.

He is doing ok with the basics - sit / stay / place / down / off / leave / potty

No longer bites my ankles.

He sleeps through the night


Basics fall apart when outside the house / we have guests (leash work still great though)

He still bites my wife’s and daughter’s ankles

He sleeps through the night but only on our bed.
@abugah My mental health is in the gutter, my marriage is falling apart. This dog has brought hell fire into our home since entering adolescence. Please send prayers.
@abugah Tired 😂😭 got a 10 month old, he’s started resource guarding when he gets a high value treat (fine with everything else), humps us all the time, barking at dogs when they bark at him and forgot all his loose lead walking!
Other than that he’s great! No problem in the house, hasn’t chewed up anything, can be left on his own and is a happy pup that seems to love everything a bit too much haha