Hills have changed their Z/D and now my dog can't tolerate it! Any help?

@christodoulos Been making my own in batches for gsd. 2 lbs lean burger..could be chic or pork too. 1 lb bag cooked lentils 1 cup rice 2 tablespoon raw coconut oil 1 lb grated carrots four hard boiled eggs with shells. I put eggs and carrots in food processor. About a cup and a half 3 times a day. Couldn't find commercial food he didn't have an issue with and cost of home made cheaper. He looks great vet says excellent diet
@christodoulos If you are UK based, have you tried Burns pet food? Not a specific digestive brand, but recommended by out vet when our dog was having similar issues and they suggested moving to a lower protein diet. We swapped to their fish and rice kibble and wet food, and it really helped our pup.