High fibre food option?


New member
I had my springer spaniel who is 2 on purina pro plan (tried the salmon sensitive and the sport) and she’s had constant issues with her anal glands. I did try glandex which didn’t help much and adding pumpkin etc. Then tried changing her to lamb based option with Hills Science to make sure it wasn’t an allergy. Vet suggested WD hills prescription option for her if nothing works. Curious if there are other food options with higher fibre I could also try? Seems Acana and Origin have some of the highest fibre (8% ) but I know those aren’t great with the whole DCM stuff.
@derek777laforce I’ve got a 4 year old springer and having the same issues! My next trial is going to be the perfect weight as someone above just suggested. At the moment I’ve got them on an all roo kibble and adding p husk and flax.
@derek777laforce The husk does help but you need to be consistent with it. I feel like if I miss a day we go backwards… I think my pups issue is also the grass in our backyard giving them grief but ugh, I feel your pain. Anal gland issues suck.
@derek777laforce We have used Bernie’s Perfect Poop and it has definitely helped! Our vet recommended psyllium, but my guy refused to eat it when mixed up with kibble. Pumpkin puree also works.

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