He's found his voice...and I may need new windows

@simona111 My 7 month cattle dog/shepherd mix does a high pitched bark when she wants something and has things to tell me, but like other comments if she’s afraid/something’s suspicious she has a deep bark/growl
@rod288 This is definitely a conversational bark because he has a deeper, rumbly one for strangers and anything he feels is out of place. Before this week, he was mostly a grumbler when he wanted to tell us something. I miss those days!
@simona111 We call our Red the "smoke detector" because when he's pissed or needs something it's like a much louder version of the sound your detector makes when it runs out of batteries. We too hoped his "voice" would drop when he aged out of puberty but at 4 he's still shrieking along...
@luciddreamer That's hilarious! I've been calling it his "WOO-WOO-WOO" bark (almost 8 months old). Every once in a while Baz will hit that high tooth-loosening (I 100% know what you mean) note, but that's usually when he's being ignored. His deeper bark is taking precedence these days. I think he's trying to sound like my older dog.
@candimarie Wow! Now I want to ask if he needs to go outside in our hallway to see if he can set ours off. Our Nest smoke detector is close to the doorbell and the smoke alarm has triggered it before.
@simona111 My mix had a cute little bark until he was a few months old and then one day he barked at someone outside the car and I legit looked back to figure how another dog could have gotten in. Imagine a little puppy with a scary as shit deep booming bark 😂
@rod288 Oh yeah mine sounds like Chewbacca now when we're playing and he's being goofy. But then when he is doing something really exciting but challenging like pushing around a herding ball, he does these loud yipping squeaking that sounds like he's being beaten. So vocal!

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