Help! My dog ate a whole bag of cheese

@omnifam Oh shit!
My advice:
My blue heeler ate a whole 16 ounce block of extra sharp cheddar and a whole bunch of rotisserie chicken fat/skin, (I was separating the rotisserie off the chicken to make chicken tacos, hence the open cheese thing near the rotisserie chicken), and A-Hole reject cat, (her mama, grandma and great grandma were my kitties as well, she, reject, (well, her actual name is "Chime"), was brought back FOUR times! Don't get me wrong, I love my little chonky bratty trouble making door opening princess, but her and the dog, I swear they're in cahoots together!
Oh crap, sorry I have ADD/HD, I get off track on stories...
Sweet princess pupper had the water 💩 poos for 3 days! She did have a few accidents, something she hasn't had since she was a little pupper. I didn't yell or punish her, poor girl couldn't help it. I ended up taking her to the vet, because this really had me worried after she still had the water 💩 poos after 36 hours.
I don't think your pupper is gonna get overly suck or die from this.
Just watch her very closely for the next few days, offer her plenty of fresh water and also change her water frequently, put multiple water bowls around her hang out spots if you can. My blue & $h¡+-head cat and grandpa kitty have water bowls in the bedroom, kitchen, living room and outside, I know I'm a weirdo, but so are my furry kids, lol
But if shes still having issues, not saying she will or not, after 36-48 hours after this. Call your pup's dog-tor, (
doctor/vet, see what u did there, hahaha!) for advice and maybe make an appointment.
Oh boy! Good luck! Please update if possible and get well soon pupper!

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