Help me sleep train


New member
My 10 mos old lab whines at 5:00-5:30 in the morning. I’ve tried it all. I have the alarm set and try not to move until it goes off. I’ve tried ear plugs but can still hear her. Once I’m awake then I’m mad and can’t sleep. I’ve tried later bedtimes and it doesn’t work. When she was younger she had stomach issues and so whining to meant diarrhea and I’d let her out to go potty and then back in the crate. Now she is whining and I’m not sure what it’s about. I got her in June of 23 and I haven’t had one morning to sleep past 6:00am. Is this normal or do I have a brat? Help!!
@norma9820 I think this is normal. When you've tried later bedtime, how late did you try? What did you do with her before bed?

What is your current routine when she wakes up that early?

Both of my labs will sleep much later now (ages 3 and 4) than at 10 months old. That being said meal times, last time outside for the night, and overall activity (particularly in the evening) seemed to have the most impact on how late they'd sleep at that age. If they woke up earlier than we desired, they'd be allowed out to the bathroom and that was it. We held their breakfast and walk times consistent and eventually they wouldn't wake up until breakfast time. Now they will even sleep in (beyond typical breakfast time) which is soooo nice.
@sally1b2b When she wakes up before 6 I will take her out and then let her potty and then she goes right back in crate until alarm goes off. Breakfast is always around 6:15 or so and not sure I can push that back yet. Sometimes I think it’s all wanting to get up to eat. Then she goes back to sleep on the sofa.
@norma9820 I think what you're doing in the morning makes sense. You aren't making it fun for her to get up early.

I'm not sure what time you do dinner, but you could try moving dinner 30 min later and see if that makes a difference. I'm guessing you already let her out right before bed, but if not I'd give that a try too.
@norma9820 Have you tried letting her whine it out? If whining works to get her out she'll continue to use that.

Have you tried toileting at this time? If you mentioned that you let her out to pee when she had stomach issues she may have that set as her routine time.

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