Help a new acd owner

@iampassionate It’s very possible that what she likes the most at this age will be treats and food! You can try to use that to redirect. Also get her some chewing toys (we found this sort of plastic-y stick thing) that you can put in her mouth when she’s in bite mode.
@iampassionate I got my girl at 8 weeks old and she is now about 7 months. She hasn't fully stopped the nipping, but i have been teaching her to instead bring me a toy whenever she feels the urge. Instead of nipping, she now grabs a toy and pushes it into me expecting me to grab it about 90% of the time.

Everytime she would start nipping at me I would immediately grab a toy and get her to "tug-of-war" with me for a moment. I know some people say tug-of-war with your dog isn't a great idea, but in this case it has been working for me.

I much prefer her shoving her toys into my legs than biting them =P

Lots of people suggest yelping/shouting loudly, not at the dog, whenever they get nipped. But that did absolutely nothing to deter my little snuggle demon.
@iampassionate The only thing that really helped my ACD puppy’s behavior was establishing a solid routine. She took naps at regular times (and I put her in her crate for a nap even if she “wasn’t ready” - she always passed out). If she was tired, overstimulated, or hungry, then she was extra extra bad. She also got amped up over what others recommended (like yipping or shaking a can with coins). The biting eventually stopped around 6 months. But I can’t stress routine enough - they’re just babies at this age!

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