Have a 3 months old puppy, I haven't slept in my own bed in 30 days


New member
For context, I got her as a service dog prospect and I'm currently 30 days into her being with me. She had to be kept overnight 2 weeks ago for Parvo and that created some abandonment issues.

She's adorable and loves her crate ( even sleeps in it if the door is open)....until I'm out of the room / she's closed and I'm out of the room.

Tried letting her sleep it out but she almost hurt herself several times ( within 5 minutes).

I got a playpen with bars and I positioned it between the bedroom door and the bathroom, so she can't pee on the carpet and I WANT to try sleeping in my own bed tonight. I'm also extremely anxious and terrified that it will traumatize her.

I don't know what to do.
@christiangal34 You could maybe try to slowly move away each night. Even if it’s a few inches. Maybe a soft crate would be easier so she doesn’t hurt herself. It sounds like a really difficult situation. :(
@christiangal34 you could look on fb marketplace for an inexpensive used crate that's a better puppy size/could fit in your room. Then sell it at the same price you got it in a hand full of week /months when you don't need it any more.
@christiangal34 Do you have the crate covered? Ours is 2.5 years old and still sleeps in her crate (which is in a corner of our room). We started covering it early on so she wouldn't see what was going on, which helped her stay calm. We also have a fan directed at it to keep her cool.
@christiangal34 Ours is uncomfortable in hers, after all this time, if she's too warm or thirsty. We have all sides covered (one against the wall, with creative other furniture placement that allows airflow with the fan, while blocking other stimuli.
@christiangal34 Can she sleep in your bed for a while until she’s decompressed and feels safe again? Puppies don’t sleep in their bed. Being sick and hospitalized probably affected her attachment system.
@christiangal34 I got a snuggle puppy for mine when he was little and turned the heartbeat and hand warmer inside and it really calmed him down. To this day it’s the only toy still standing from his baby days and he’s 4! That and I also gave him some practice time during the days putting him in his crate and positively reassuring him and using the time to walk away by increments. He loves his crate now and knows it’s for sleep; the playpen I have is where i put him when I head out the house which he knows it’s temporary and that I’ll be coming back!
@kellypink Those heartbeat toys help so much for my beagles until they are old enough to go out to the yard. I can't put them out in the 10 acre pasture until a certain age and someone suggested one of those and it really makes a difference. Especially early weeks

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