Had a complaint today, looking for advice! The dog ended up chewing/itching itself until it was raw several days after the groom

As the title states, I did the dog over a week ago and today got a call saying that the dog has developed raw patches along it’s belly and groin from chewing and itching itself.

It did come in matted and I had to shave its belly and one of its legs in a 10, did the rest of him in a 7 because his mom didn’t want him in a 10 a/o

I change my blades frequently during grooming as well as sanitize them between dogs so I’m totally stumped, I have never had this happen before but I’ve only been grooming for a couple of years so I’m not sure if anyone has knowledge/advice to share to avoid this in the future.

I have only seen the dog 1 time prior and it had been about 4 months since it’s last appointment, I also let the lady know when she dropped the dog off that he was matted and I would need to go shorter than the length she had wanted, also had a conversation with her about not bathing the dog if matting was developing because it can cause it to worsen because she did let me know that she gives him baths often.
@whereismysalvation It's possibly a reaction to the shampoo, however more often than not the skin just is irritated when mats have sat on it and need to be shaved short. We pat corn starch on dogs that have to get close shaves to lower the irritation. It's possible he just licked himself a little bit but that was enough to introduce bacteria to the bothered skin and the owner probably didn't curb it, and it spiraled out of control. Basically, it probably is because of the groom but it isn't anything that could be avoided unless the dog had no matting, so it's on the owner, not you.
@livelifeliving33 I agree there is a chance it could of been from the shampoo, but I think it could have more relation to being matted and had to be shaved short. I had a pelted dog last week that I had to 10 a/o and the owner called me 3 days later saying the dog was scratching like crazy. I had her come back and get some spray and gave her some skin works cream. Told her to call me back if it doesn't get better but she has not. I feel like this is pretty normal after a dog has to get shaved from being matted. I've noticed the worse the matting, the worse the after affects are.
@livelifeliving33 I’ll try the corn starch in the future, I do have a witch hazel spray that I use from time to time on dogs that get shave downs, I genuinely feel bad because the photos she sent show several spots that have scabbing but they are all along the edge of his belly and look like they may have been from chewing himself too much.
@whereismysalvation It’s probably irritated skin potentially a bacterial infection set off by the matting and the licking. Either way this is not your fault if the dog is coming in matted. The only way to prevent these types of things is with regular grooming. They should be on a regular 6-8 week schedule. In the future when a matted dog comes in make sure you articulate all the health risks and potential injuries it can cause to the client and that they need to be on a regular grooming schedule to prevent these things and that you are not responsible for any injuries caused by the matting probably followed up with a release of liability form. This way your not getting complaints for things out of your control and owners who bring in matted dogs can’t say you didn’t warn them. Cover your bases!
@clare5890 I actually had them sign a matting release when they checked the dog in, it’s a section of the forum and we highlight it when it applies to the dog, I will definitely take the extra time to go over the risks and fully explain the risks to guests in the future. I’m just super bummed out that he is in such rough shape when I sent him home and he had no visible signs of irritation.
@whereismysalvation i was taught that when matting is severe the dog may need a hydrocortisone (spelling?) shot - i would def direct her to a vet, but it's def from the matting and not from anything you did
@whereismysalvation Is it possible this was a skin condition revealed by the shavedown? Like I know his skin looked fine when you shaved it but maybe his belly had tighter matting because he was already licking it, and when you shaved him he was finally able to get at the actual skin.
@whereismysalvation Matts can cause skin irritation, if they’re concerned tell them that they should go to the vet. Next time I would tell them that when matting is severe, it can cause severe skin irritation and that to prevent this, they should brush. But It’s not your fault period.