Grooming my own dogs…. Spoiler: groomers deserve 1000x what they are paid


New member
Today I groomed my two doodles. I’ve been doing this for the past 3 years or so, really for serious 2 years ago. One year ago I got a grooming table and better clippers. Two months ago I got better shears and some grooming clothes. I follow all the tips and tricks. I have three clippers I used for different parts of their bodies and to keep at least one on the charger. I am not great. But, I get the job done and most people probably just think my dogs are shaggy. (One is mixed coat - she’s an f1, but still gets mats on legs, bottom, ears, and throat - the other is 75% poodle and her hair is straight and curly all over. My little whirlpool doodle). Anywho, I work hard at keeping my dogs healthy, I promote doodle love, and am clear with everyone I talk to that either learn to keep them trimmed short, intensely brush them every day, and/or have them professionally groomed every 6 weeks. (Depending on preferred style daily brushing may still be required).

All that to say, is that I have so many hair splinters - all along my face and ears and eyes. I wear glasses, I wore special grooming clothes, and yet, here I am. Holy cats this doesn’t feel fair to ever make anyone deal with! I’ll deal with it because it’s my dogs I’m caring for, but y’all, no one could pay me to deal with this discomfort for a dog that isn’t mine. (I’ve showered and took breaks to wash my face throughout the groom)
Kudos and mad respect to you all!
@faithinmysavior Thank you so much! The Bernedoodle is only partially furnished so it is always an adventure and a puzzle figuring out how to shape her face. Half the hair is soft and short and then half is long and wirey. And then the poodle hair on top 🤣
I appreciate your kind feedback - thank you!
@motherhen What a great at-home groom! Before becoming a groomer, I would always do my poodle at home so I totally understand the struggle (and the mess it leaves behind LOL).
@svjoyner Oh man, it’s exhausting but so worth it. I be had them both professionally groomed only once, and before that my big girl was groomed professionally a couple times. I feel like it’s my duty? Like, not just the money part but they are my dogs and deserve my care and time. That probably sounds super goofy, but I’m all honesty I feel like it has developed their trust with me.
@svjoyner I hope you don't mind me direct messaging you but I'm sending you a chat to ask about your dog's situation where he ate something that messed up his intestines... I just want to know how that turned out? Were you able to help him or her, and what options did you pursue to help resolve the situation...
@preng Thank you!!! I working on my face shaping - they are finally cool with me having scissors near their faces. It’s been a long process!
@motherhen Imagine if you’re dogs weren’t taken care of(brushed regularly) and they hated their legs being messed with and pulls for legs and face. That’s the majority of doodles lol
@dinhthaihoang Lol - my youngest doodle HATES her legs touched, even though we do this frequently and I’ve done my best to desensitize her. But we get it done, we take breaks, but we get it done.

I just hate the sensation of the tiny hairs sticking in my face. Not sure why this groom felt worse to me? Maybe my tolerance is low today. Idk, But I don’t like this feeling. 🤣
@motherhen For me it’s the hair in my eyes, even when I haven’t worked for days I’ll pull a long golden retriever hair out of my eye.
@motherhen I rarely got hair splinters when I groomed professionally. I only got them when I was sweaty because they stick to you easier. My mentor taught me to lightly rub cornstarch on my hands and arms for the dogs that cause bad hair splinter. It really does help repel them. Also, do everything in your power not to touch your face while grooming. Rub your face on your shoulder instead if you have to (as long as you're wearing a smock with sleeves).
@mutambo Oh thank you so much! Yes that makes so much sense, because it is quite warm here and our AC doesn’t work great where I was grooming.
I’ll try the corn starch!!! I have plenty of that!
@motherhen Of course! I was lucky to have a mentor who taught the small things like that. You may have to reapply to stay dry throughout. Just make sure you aren't creating a cloud of powder near the dogs. It's not good for them to breathe it in often.

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