Groomer trainee, not sure if I’m being treated unfairly


New member
Hello, I just need some help deciphering if I’m being treated unfairly at my job.

Started at a shop in Ohio almost a year ago, June 27th at $10 an hour. Was given a raise to $11 after ninety days. And am now being told I won’t get $12 until I can do 6 dogs a day in between the hours of 9-5. I’m trying really hard to do this without doing a bad job on the groom. I just don’t see how this is fair when some dogs come in with behavior issues or a matted tail or ears that take an extra half an hour to demat. This is getting hard to live off of but I love the job. :(

Also I’m being told I won’t get groomers pay which is $14 an hour plus 50% commission until I can do all akc cuts without supervision but was never told which cuts. I can’t imagine it’d be all of them as we don’t even get all of them in the shop..

I don’t know, I just thought I’d be making a living wage after putting near a year into a job..
@yoshichicka Do you work for a corporation or a private salon? If you work for a corporation, you should contact your district level manager and confirm the steps to your training align with the company's outline for training.

If you work private, find a new salon lmao. Which is also an answer if you work corporate.
@yoshichicka You should be getting the $14 an hour plus 50% commission no matter how many grooms you can do in a day. If you’re doing the grooms you should get the groomers pay. Time to start looking elsewhere
@yoshichicka Six dogs a day is crazy, even good groomers near me only manage eight with a bather, and they've been grooming for like 30 years. Definitely look for somewhere else, they're taking advantage
@yoshichicka You aren’t being treated right at all. And the pay sucks.

I left a corporate shop, because as a trainee, I was paid $7.25 an hour, for almost a year, doing half of all of the other groomer’s jobs! I became pregnant, was put into the certification program. and then they only paid groomers $10/hr + 50% commission of the money you made OVER the $850 weekly quota.

Needless to say, I quit. I found work elsewhere making 50%. Made 3x as much money. And now I’m on my own with an LLC.

You do what you need to do. Maybe stick it out until you get your grooming certificate? Then hightail it out, if you have your own equipment.

Good luck 💜
@yoshichicka Wtf. I was making $12/hr plus 10% commission when I could only do 3 dogs a day. I then moved to 35% once I could do 4 a day, and it went up every time I bought myself a new tool. I was making commission by 6 months into grooming.

Find a salon that will pay you fairly.

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