Good pairings with your Heeler?


New member
Hello! I rescued my now two year old ACD about nine months ago. I'd love to eventually get another dog (not anytime soon, but in the next 3-4 years), so my ACD can have a playmate, and just in general because I love dogs lol. I'm wondering about what kinds of dogs pair well with ACDs. I don't know if I'd want to get another ACD because honestly, I don't know if I could handle an ACD as a puppy haha (we rescued our ACD when she was around 1.5, so I never experienced a full ACD on puppy stage with her).

I'd love to hear what other dogs pair well with ACDs or what your experience is. Ideally, I 'd love a dog that could somewhat match her energy, and I always pictured having a smaller dog (I originally thought maybe a corgi, but I'd rather adopt than buy from a breeder).
@di1 We have an Aussie (3) a heeler (2) and a golden (7mo) and they all play and coexist together really well… Aussie is the only female and she is the den mother for the 2 lunatic males.

Our golden absolutely adores the heeler and tries to do whatever he does… they run and play and share toys and nap together really well.

We were originally a little concerned because the heeler boy is kind of a brute. Before we brought the golden puppy home 4 months ago the heeler was more physical and kind of a bully with the Aussie. But we got the puppy home and Aussie turned into a surrogate mama and heeler was (and is) gentle and patient with the golden.

He loves his protege and hero worship is real with the golden.

Another herding dog would be a good energy match but be ready, a sporting/working breed worked for us and I like the personality differences.
@di1 I have Inky a black lab (2yo) who is my psychiatric service dog. I recently acquired Emma an ACD (age:??) who is blind and going deaf. They are an EXCELLENT pair! Mostly because inky is bulletproof and let’s her run into him all day long lol. They play together and snuggle together, they love each other very much!
@di1 Ellie, our heeler/husky mix had a temporary husky sibling in her foster home before we adopted her. The foster mom still dogsits for us and the dogs are still the best of buddies. When we go to dog parks, Ellie always looks so hopeful when she sees a husky—I think she hopes it’s her BFF.
@di1 We have an almost 8 month old Pyrenees mix galoot and we added an ACD mama dog (she had pups in Sept) recently through adoption. Our puppy went absolutely insane over her and she's handled it like a champ... and she LOVES to play almost as much as he does! When he gets too annoying, she'll use the heeler move and grab him by the ankle while he's running... so far he loves it and seems to take it all literally in stride.
@di1 My pitty boys are really well matched with my female cattle dog. They have really good temperaments and are older/more mature, so they put up with her cattledogness very well. Whatever you get, do oposite sex in case of SSA, and don't let the cattle dog Bully them.
@di1 This will I’m sure blow your mind. But I had a blue Healer ( Esther) with a Schipperkee and a Golden. The Schipperkee was male other two were female. ACD was young when she arrived. Other two were 3-4. Totally fine. Two males of anything can be an issue if not brought up together. But a male female generally works very well ( of course you need to spade the female)